Atopic Dermatitis

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Atopic Dermatitis

Postby Nick Balgowan » Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:14 pm

Atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema, neuro-dermatitis) is a constitutional, inflammatory, pruritic skin disease, usually progressing chronically.

The therapy of AD includes mainly corticosteroids (CS), antihistamines and immunosuppressors. CS are known to cause a variety of side effects and attempts have been made to reduce or eliminate their use through alternative methods such as phototherapy (UVA/UVB, UVA(1), UVA(2), UVB 311 nm). In the majority of patients, UV irradiation proves favorable.

The active spectrum is mostly in the UV range, between 300 and 400 nm (equipment with TL/10 (=UVA-2), 'TL'/09, filtered HPA). The dosage (quality and quantity of radiation) has to be adjusted to the individual response of the patient and possibly (in case of a reaction of adaptation) be altered in the course of the therapy. 311 nm UVB therapies has been found to be ideal for following UVA-1 therapy: UVA-1 is used in the initial phase of treatment to manage acute, severe exacerbations of atopic dermatitis and is replaced by nm UVB therapy, which is an effective (and presumably safe) means of maintenance therapy.

Because its presumed safety, it has also been advocated to be used for children.
Nick Balgowan.
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