Psoriasis hall of Shame

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Psoriasis hall of Shame

Postby Nick Balgowan » Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:45 am

Some time ago, it was bought to our attention that the following comment about our company was published on the Psoriasis Hall of Shame. I have personally emailed "Ed" the owner and operator of this web page on several occasions, all of which have gone unanswered. Although I commend Ed for his efforts on his web page, I am concerned he has referrenced our company without any justification and refuses to respond to my correspondence.

Spam is strictly against our published privacy policy that is published online. We have never sent spam, nor do we have any spamming "tactics" that we use. I refute his claim that we employ "spamming tactics." I have also asked Ed to provide any evidence that he may have, again, this request has gone unanswered. I have also asked for copies of this spam so I can investigate, with nothing being provided in return. It is all very well to make accusations, but I would request that Ed please provide supporting documentation or remove his unjustified comment. Our web page does use auto responders that require a person to imput their email address to receive an automated reply, but this is NOT spam obviously as the information is only sent once as a result of an individual request for information.

"Other sites like use similar spamming tactics and also infringe copyrights, but it's rare to see all the tactics rolled so nicely into one package just ripe for a lawsuit."

I note with great interest the following comment on Ed's home page "Note: Spammers have been busy forging random return addresses at the domain. Also Note: No BlueSecurity emails have ever originated from this domain. They are a joe-job attack by another obnoxious spammer. " Interestingly (hyopcritically?) 'Ed" seems to be the victum of some type of spam system also...........
Nick Balgowan.
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Nick Balgowan
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Re: Psoriasis hall of Shame

Postby Ambiance » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:36 pm

what a SUCK !!
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