Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis information.

This is the members only section to discuss psoriais diets, tips, what works for you and what does not work for you

Do you think psoriasis can be solved by changing your diet?

Yes, absolutely
No, if it were that simple nobody would have psoriasis
I have absolutely no idea
Total votes : 74

Postby moodindigo » Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:04 am

I have arthritis (not gout) and do find that leaving out citrus fruits helps - I certainly suffer a worsening of the pain if I eat citrus fruits, tomatoes are also another trigger and I rarely eat them now.

Can't say it noticeably affected the psoriasis though.

Arthritis, asthma and now P - I have them all and as someone said, there's an autoimmune link with all of them.
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Tried it all and diet & sun are it!!

Postby nicolette » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:22 am

Well first thing is first, Not all bodies are alike when it comes to P. When I was 10 I had them head to toe and I tried a natural path diet, no red meat, no dairy, no sugar, no citrus friuts, no cafeine, liquor or smoking... that was easy when I was 10. My mom massaged vitamin E on them twice a day with lots of prayer. I cried everyday. One thing to note also I live in Alaska. No sun and very dry cliamate. I really need to move out of this state but it has been home. My P went away in less than a year and I never had another one until I was 26. Now I am 31 and I have tried every cream and treament there is but never went back to the diet. It is hard when you are older and set in your ways. I swear that Diet and Sun are the key. I go to Hawaii for two weeks and they are almost gone. I decided today to go back to the diet, quit smoking, less drinking and less carbs. Wish me luck. It is hard to make a life change but people do it every day and if it makes the P go away then it will be my biggest joy and life miracle of all. :lol:
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Re: Diet

Postby natkingcole23 » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:21 pm

Hi there,

Hows your condition now? I have read and also have been told by people who have eliminated psoriasis, that when following a diet such as the one you described, the final stages of eliminating psoriasis ( or bad toxins) from your system results in an increase of psoriasis lesions. Shortly after this the skin starts to heal and you are then free of this scurge of a condition.
However if you continue to eat unhealthy and pratice a poor lifestyle, psoriasis will eventually return.
I think you may have quit at a critical time. Please check out a book called 'Healing Psoriasis' by Dr.John SPAMER LINK REMOVED.
Currently I'm following most of his recommendations and some others such as juicing vegetables and fruit and have greatly reduced the severity of my psoriasis condition. I feel in time I can beat it too. I think there is a CURE..through living healthly. It's currently working for me!!

All the best to you,


lil'froggie wrote:Hi all! This is my first post, how exciting!
Anyway, I tried a natropath-led diet program (at a very high cost) that involved following a strongly alkaline diet: lots of green leafy vegies, small amount of protein once a day (no red meat or dairy), no fruit except one apple a day, no alcohol or caffeine, no breads, rice or pasta, lots of water. On this diet, apart from being very hungry and cranky, my psoriasis became the worst it's ever been and trebled in size! This was in conjunction with taking nine supplement tablets three times a day and using a "special formula" cleanser and lotion. A very expensive failure! I now just try to be healthy and I do find that I flare if I don't eat lots of vegies. I have heard it can be helpful to eliminate what's called the nightshade family of vegetables: includes tomatoes, capsicums (or peppers) and potatoes.
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Postby lucincia » Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:48 am

this sooooo reminds me of what Jame's has mentioned in the main discussion forum.... :)

Postby thelma » Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:49 pm

This post is helpful for I ignored that P could be related to a person's diet. There seems to be a certain correlation between the type of food to avoid and what to consume more for those who suffer from P. Has anyone done the change in diet?
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You have nothing to lose

Postby natkingcole23 » Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:04 pm

Hi Thelma,

Try eating healthly for 3 or more months, I'm into my sixth month now(I intend to continue until it clears), and as I said above, the larger lesions are getting smaller and are not so violent looking. They are quite smooth compared to before when they looked like eruptions blasting the skin off of my body and very red.
I notice when I eat fried, spicy, alcohol, lots of coffee, breakfast cerials some spots appear and the others are quite red. But when I keep a clean diet the psoriasis appears to be very light in color and looks like it will disappear in the near future.
Check any 'Gerson Institute' website they share some good knowledge. Keep trying never give up!



thelma wrote:This post is helpful for I ignored that P could be related to a person's diet. There seems to be a certain correlation between the type of food to avoid and what to consume more for those who suffer from P. Has anyone done the change in diet?
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New Diagnosis

Postby maxine parrish » Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:20 am

I was just diagnosd with P 2 days ago after suffering from the lesions and sores on my feet for 6 months. I eat a low fat, low cholesterol diabetic diet, drink almost a gallon of water a day, and eat @ least 4 servings of vegetables a day. I'm on steroids right now (which make you want to eat everything in sight!) and a cream. It doesn't help the itching and it doesn't help the pain. Anyone have any ideas; especially during the day @ work. Thanks
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Re: New Diagnosis

Postby natkingcole23 » Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:31 am

Hi Maxine,

This is from my own experince, (BUT I'm not a diabetic or a doctor) I don't use any creams, steroids or the like to treat psoriasis. I found they only work for a short time or pushed lesions back into the skin only to reapear somewhere else. I have been using Cold Pressed coconut oil, and its been great for keeping my skin moist all day and no itching. Dry skin appears later on in the evening so I put more oil on. Sometimes when my scalp is dry I wash my hair with Apple Vinigar then a shampoo and conditioner. This stops dry skin from flaking for a few days. Also exposure to sun or a tanning machine helps. Have a look at my post above.
If you have any other questions let me know.



maxine parrish wrote:I was just diagnosd with P 2 days ago after suffering from the lesions and sores on my feet for 6 months. I eat a low fat, low cholesterol diabetic diet, drink almost a gallon of water a day, and eat @ least 4 servings of vegetables a day. I'm on steroids right now (which make you want to eat everything in sight!) and a cream. It doesn't help the itching and it doesn't help the pain. Anyone have any ideas; especially during the day @ work. Thanks
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Re: Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis informati

Postby ehafezi » Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:12 pm

Well, I am suffering from Poseriasis for more than 10 years. Thanks god it is not on my skin but on my nails. I had two nails with this problem 1 got well after 9 months using medicin but the other one has remaind the same and unfortunatly another nail got that.
The first time it happend when my nail broked from middle in an accident.
but the second time, for the 3rd nail I mean, I couldn' think of any thing else but having alot of stress and being so anxious.
I have used plenty of Medicin and the only medicine that makes it abit better so far is Clobetasole cream but unfortunatly it irritate the skin and creates another kind of allergy.
Plus I have noticed that eating fish and taking multi vitamins and Folic Acid had very good effect on them.
And because it is on my nail I really have to be careful to not hit it or it gets hurt and getting worse, I am not sure if it is the same for skin.
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comes and goes

Postby Mundi » Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:11 pm

hi psoriasis kin,
i started getting P 20 years ago at 19ys its a creeping asymetric pattern on scalp.because its on the head i associate it with stress or obsessive thinking as im quite focused on any subject.reading 5 novels on a weekend produced a massive flareup.stopped drinking orange juice and the P on my legs dissapeared.Every summer with regular sun its completely gone and every winter its back.anxiety and addictions are definitely P attractions.Even though i stopped drinking alcohol it still shows up. Now ive got it on my armpits so the summer sunbathing sessions looking good.only thing to do is cope and check for patterns and try out suggestions.cheeers :)
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Re: Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis information.

Postby Ambiance » Tue May 19, 2009 8:14 am

All this talk about a diet and ellimination diet, I think I will have to give it a go. I have tried before and failed misserably, but this time I am more intent as my psoriasis is particularlly bad this season. I will let everyone know how I go. I am going to do the typical old fashioned diet

- eat more veggi and fruit
- cut out red meat, dairy and most sugars
- no junk food (hardly eat any of the stuff anyhows)

wish me luck!
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Re: Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis information.

Postby Ambiance » Tue May 19, 2009 8:41 pm

well, my diet lasted less the one day. I wasw good up until lunch time, and now I have already fallen off the wagon! I guess the diet approach doesn't work for me!

:roll: :roll:
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Re: Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis information.

Postby feliciay » Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:48 pm

What is a good diet for someone without a gall bladder who is trying to lose weight? I eat healthy, exercise but it seems that no matter what I try I don't seem to be losing weight. People keep telling me to eat a low fat diet but the doctor told me that eating low fat is what killed my gall bladder. He said that everything in moderation. However it seems that if I eat too much protein I get sick, if I eat low fat I get sick. I am so confused until I am on the verge of just giving up. I try to balance it out but I don't seem to lose a pound. Can someone help? I need realistic help. I have a very understanding family but I don't want to make them suffer with special diet. I can prepare two meals for dinner if need be but it would be easier to just prepare one. Any suggestions? I am also looking for something long term. More like a life change as apposed to a diet.
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Re: Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis information.

Postby jonjon » Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:08 am

my kins,

I just registered & i'm so happy knowing that there's a site such as this.i just don't know what to say but thank also helps having those diets,i just cant help myself maintaining it.waking&sleeping early and an exercise could also help a lot...we all have our bad days,and i've been living with it the day i realize i have changed my life,it made me so insecure.i'm just glad of this site,full of support&understanding.thanks for boosting my i can start and learn the goodways of accepting it. :D
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Re: Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis information.

Postby Matthew Balgowan » Sun May 02, 2010 8:23 pm

jonjon wrote:i'm so happy knowing that there's a site such as this.

Thank you for joining and we hope that you find the information a help. You can also follow us on facebook now.
Matt Balgowan.
Matthew Balgowan
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