Free psoriasis diet tips and general psoriasis information.

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Do you think psoriasis can be solved by changing your diet?

Yes, absolutely
No, if it were that simple nobody would have psoriasis
I have absolutely no idea
Total votes : 74

Postby waffnap » Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:56 am

lil'froggie wrote: I think I'll start drinking green tea as well.

I have taken to drinking green over the past couple of days now. I drink so much tea it's unbelievable and green tea takes some getting used to on the palet but I am willing to give anything a try :D
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Postby caldispatcher » Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:33 am

Well, it's been about two weeks and the flareup is receding. I have not been able to remove dairy completely from my diet (not having oodles of it - rice milk and cereal-yum-NOT! :lol: ) but there are a lot of foods with milk products. I found a baking mix that doesn't use milk and has no wheat or corn and it's only 15 bucks for a bag about the size of a small box of bisquik! Ouch! (but it really makes good cookies and pancakes for the sweet side of me). Also found a tapioca flour bread (a little dry but good toasted) at 3.50 per loaf. No beef, no soda, no wheat, had a little corn the other day with no effects (and this usually gets to me) and I can't find a milk or soy free margarine anywhere (one or the other, but not both) I hate tea but I've heard green tea is good for lots of things so hope it helps!!!!!!! Well, I'll keep you posted..gonna work on getting the milk and sugars out of my system next week.
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Yo Fellow scale sufferers!!

Postby Paul » Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:43 pm

Hi there ya'll, first time on this forum, just discovered not long ago that what I have been told for the last 7 years was eczema is in fact psoriasis, not impressed!, I've been on loads of steroid creams which dont really help in the long run, Iam thinking of buying the "UV Buddy" on "", any advice or comments regarding UVB?,

Also is there any way to stop the spreading?, I suffer on my shins and calves which have both seen many injuries and casts in the past which may have been triggers, and which both take regular beatings due to hobbies, are certain clothes/materials triggers?

Iam also a chronic asthma sufferer and have almost lost my life on a few occasions, but after lots of web research Iam reluctant to continue with my medication due to various side effects and long term health implications including the possible link with psoriasis, does anyone have any information or knowledge/experience with this?

I have definately noticed that alcohol and smoking and recreational drugs (non of which I should do due to my asthma!) worsen flaring and spreading, also all the food stuffs to be avoided mentioned are all pretty much favourites if mine (and the most of the worlds!), but I have not yet linked any of them to my psoriasis, but they certainly trigger my asthma, fortunately I also enjoy all (healthy) foods so I can try some of the recomended diets and see if they help with my psoriasis,

Water has definately helped with both my asthma and psoriasis, I think thats why the above consumables are triggers due to them generally dehydrating you, being in sunny countries has also helped temporarily,

Also I tend to be quite stressed alot of the time for various reasons, also I think I may have some mental disorders (according to some stupid tests at work and on the net and your usual articles you find everywhere! you never know!?) so this could be a contributing factor overall,

Then again, it could just be genetic or it could just be plain old me and unlucky!, who knows? my Fathers side of the family have a heart condition history which I read is linked, almost all my family on both sides are smokers, my Mother had "haley-haley" (sp) a terrible skin disease much worse than psoriasis, which she used to take "cyclosporin" for for years, she died of lung cancer 6 years ago, our family doctor stated that in theory the cyclosporin could have caused the cancer, could this be a factor?

Anyway, I just hope I can find something decent to control this horriblness, one good thing about being alive this day in age is the access to information via the net and forums etc which would not have been available before for older sufferers, I've learned alot in a short space of time that my dermatologist and doctor have failed to tell me, hopefully some of the information I have discovered here will be of some help,

Anyway, lunch time approaching (a boring lunch at that!) well done if you read all of my rant and cheers! offshore just now in the glorius North Sea! ug! a bit bored and surfin' the net, hence the spare time on my hands,

Chow for now x x x 8) I look forward to hearing any information

P:S, I think I'll just move to a sunny country, the sun seem's to help!

P:SS, Has anyone been on to <PSORIASIS CURED URL> just wandering if this guy's book is recomended?
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Postby Paul » Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:47 pm

Also forgot to mention that my Grandmother, Aunty and my two of my Sisters suffer from haley-haley, has anyone ever heard of links between haley-haley and psoriasis, any info would be appreciated,

Cheers. 8)

P:S, Keeping physically fit and regular exercise has definately improved my asthma and seems to reduce my flare ups!
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Re: Yo Fellow scale sufferers!!

Postby Nick Balgowan » Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:51 pm

Hi Paul!

Paul wrote:Hi there ya'll, first time on this forum, just discovered not long ago that what I have been told for the last 7 years was eczema is in fact psoriasis, not impressed!, I've been on loads of steroid creams which dont really help in the long run, Iam thinking of buying the "UV Buddy" on "", any advice or comments regarding UVB?,

Narrow band UVB is what you want for psoriasis, as found in the Dermalight80. UV-Buddy is a wide spectrum product for other purposes mainly such as SADS and tanning etc.

Paul wrote:Also is there any way to stop the spreading?, I suffer on my shins and calves which have both seen many injuries and casts in the past which may have been triggers, and which both take regular beatings due to hobbies, are certain clothes/materials triggers?

Different treatmetns offer different results for each person. Usually psoriasis treatment is trial and error until you find something that works well for you, has minimal side effects and you are happy to use long term. No quick fix really exists.

Paul wrote:Iam also a chronic asthma sufferer and have almost lost my life on a few occasions, but after lots of web research Iam reluctant to continue with my medication due to various side effects and long term health implications including the possible link with psoriasis, does anyone have any information or knowledge/experience with this?

There are links with some steroid medications causing or contributing to various skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis among others. Nothing would surprise me really, but Asthma can be serious and does often also require treatment, do not just stop a treatment without medical advice.

Paul wrote:I have definately noticed that alcohol and smoking and recreational drugs (non of which I should do due to my asthma!) worsen flaring and spreading, also all the food stuffs to be avoided mentioned are all pretty much favourites if mine (and the most of the worlds!), but I have not yet linked any of them to my psoriasis, but they certainly trigger my asthma, fortunately I also enjoy all (healthy) foods so I can try some of the recomended diets and see if they help with my psoriasis,

I have a friend who when he uses recreational drugs, has psoriasis, when he stops the drugs, he doesn't have psoriasis. I momentarily contemplated starting with recreational drugs, in the hope that when I stopped by psoriasis would also go away. But somehow, I don't think it would work that way. But yes, all of the above are bad for your body and your skin makes up a very large proportion of your body - so your skin often shows first reaction signs.

Psoriasis is most definitely herreditary, but it can also be triggered in a new generation.

I needed to remove the link in your post sorry, basically anybody claiming to have a cure for a condition that no cure currently exists, is obviously a fraud :roll:
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Nice one!

Postby Paul » Thu Jul 13, 2006 7:20 am

Cheer's Nick for all the advice, especially about narrow band UVB, you've just saved me some hassle there as I was gonna buy the UV Buddy at the end of the month,

No problem about the link, I was kinda skeptical but you never know, the world is a strange place and full of suprises!,

My sock's and snowboard boot's seem to really irritate my p, in fact any sort of friction does this, was just on the running machine just now (in some nice soft jogging bottoms) and got a huge flare up! any advice?, what about washing powders etc?,

I just phoned a mate of mine, also named Paul, he is the only other person I know with p, it was the first time I had spoken to him about this as I was only diagnosed a few week's ago, , he suffer's from p on his scalp, he uses coal tar shampoo and has tried various other thing's, I asked him about the spreading as Iam a bit freaked out and concerned at the momenent about all of this after seeing so many photos on various web sites of people with 50%, 70%, 98% and even 100% coverage!, some of these people didnt even develop p until they were in their 50's and then 9 months later 98% coverage!, I dont think I could cope with that, I know I would have to or else you could go insane and loose all will to live, the thought of it has consumed me, is this normal?, my p is certainly getting bigger and spreading, could it be because Iam worrying so much about having p in the first place?!, I had no idea of the seriousness of it until the last two day's!

Anyway, my friend told me that those cases were quite rare, is this true?, and also that p tends to stay in the same place and not spread too much, again is this true?, and he also told me that it will get worse and better and the norm is for it to fluxuate, is this accurate?, I know things will vary from person to person but Iam desperate for any educated information here regardless how vauge it may be!, he also stated that staying up partying for day's on end had drastic results!, he was sitting drinking a beer and smoking a joint!, I know its hardly staying up for day's and partying and he was obviously comfortable with it, I dont think his p is bothering him too much at the moment, do we really have to go to the extreme of cutting out all alcohol and tinned foods and white foods and MSG etc?, I know everybody should at least cut down anyway for general well being, but surely little luxuries and moderation cant do too much harm!, can they?, I bloody hope not!

Has anyone heard the theory about p being caused by the thining of the intestine lining and intestine perferations and toxins being released into the bood stream? or the Edgar Cayce readings?, any info would be appreciated,

Has green tea or mullein or yellow saffron tea helped anyone in a big way?

Cheers again! x x :cry:
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Postby waffnap » Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:53 am

Hello Paul
So many questions I am dizzy :shock: Just kidding. I feel it's good to have so many questions especially on hospital visits to the Derm. What I have found though is that they don't appear to be very interested in what you have to say. I always feel as if I am bothering them. You are right in that the best way to look for support is the net or word of mouth. However I do realise we are all individuals and what may be a relief to one can be a discomfort to others. It's just good to be able to share our experiences :)
Welcome to the site btw Paul
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Re: Nice one!

Postby Nick Balgowan » Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:38 am

[quote="Paul"]Cheer's Nick for all the advice, especially about narrow band UVB, you've just saved me some hassle there as I was gonna buy the UV Buddy at the end of the month,quote]

Hi Paul,

Contrary to what most people believe, there are over 200 forms of psoriasis, most people just think there are the 5 main types. There are even unclassified (unnamed) types of psoriasis.

50%+ coverage for psoriasis is rare and will usually happen later in life, if at all. Sometimes also, this is a form of dermatitis that is misdiagnosed - happens more frequently than anybody will admit.

Psoriasis can spread, it can seeminly move to other parts of the body, it can shrink, it can flare up, it can also go away (fingers crossed.) Every single case is different - hence generally hard to treat.

There are lots of people that claim they can fix your psoriasis with a diet, that they know the cause etc etc. It has nothing to do with intestines, directly to your diet or toxins etc. All of those items are completely treatable or at least preventable. Improving your diet may goost your imune system and general health. A generally healthy person has generally health skin.

All the biologic treatments for psoriasis use reverse logic here. They work on SHUTTING down either your entire immune system or the specific parts that contribute to psoriasis. Not a good solution if you ask me, as you become extremely susceptible to infections, virus, general health issues, an inbalanced digestive system, plus ALL of these drugs carry warnings "this will increase your risk of developing cancers" becuase your body is fighting against cancer type cells all the time normally. By surpressing your immune system it gives these cancerous cells the foot hold they need to grow and spread.

MSG is most definitely a major trigger for psoriasis. As are most of the 6xx food aditives. I have a chart some place that I will post online. Australia has about 50-100 common food additives that are actually banned in the UK and USA as they are known carcinogens. Basically if you want to help your psoriasis, avoid as many numbers as possible. If it has a number, it means the chemical name is either too long, too scarey or too difficult to pronoun, so they use a number instead. I think 202 is the one found in processed bread which is also extremely bad, it causes hyper activity and various other issue like high blood pressure.

MSG as a flvour enhancer works by increasing the amount of saliva in your mouth. The more saliva you have in your mouth the more you can taste food. Without saliva in your mouth (if you dry your mouth out for example) you won't taste a thing. It may also increase your blood pressure and body temperature. The extra saliva in your mouth can also upset your digestive system........ it is a very bad chemical and to feed this in snack foors to kiddies leave much to be desired. Why not actually put something in with a good taste, rather than try and bump up something that is otherwise fairly tasteless.

Herbal teas are generally very good. Unsure if the actual tea is, or the ABSENCE of caffeen. Most herbal teas have no caffeen of other chemicals that are in most normal teas and coffees etc. Caffeen also triggers psoriasis. So again, with diet it is largely what you leave out, than actually put in.

can cause a rise in your body temperatue, is causes extra saliva in your mouth wi
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Postby CDC » Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:08 am

Hello all,

I'm pleased that some of you are finding green tea and healthy living helps. I'm even more certain now as I let everything I was preaching slip completely and now my psoriasis is a nightmare :evil: I've been incredibly stressed and under immense pressure, so automatically reached for that cigarette that I'd given up on for a good while now and allowed my alcohol consumption to swing into action again. Combined with a coffee here and some sweets there(which I never eat or even like!?) my psoriasis has flared up horribly, and its so hot outside! :( I had a sunbed yestreday though as I find it really helps. I'm not sure if I mentioned it already, but my uncle also has psoriasis and his has cleared up unbelievably due to tanning. However he also admitted to going on the sunbed 3 times a week!! Shockingly often cos its SO bad for you, I would never do that, but he is in his late 60s. I find it helps tremendously but you need to moisturize after for the effects to really work.

I can't remember who it was that suggested the cherries, but I think you may be on to something, for me at least. I don't think I sustained it for long enough, but I didn't notice any flare ups and it seemed to be calming down a bit, so I think eatiing them did help. It's just that they're crazily expensive.

Anyway, I will let you all know how I go now that I'm gonna start eating properly again, and am off to the gym now (although I am off for a wee dram in the sunshine in soho square first :wink: ) Good luck and I hope it starts clearing up a little for you all soon.

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Postby waffnap » Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:03 am

Hello there Chloe
Sometimes it's an uphill struggle and there are times when we slip off the slippery slope right back down again. Glad to hear though that you are determined to get back up there again, I wish you lots of luck.
Jules :)
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Postby richo » Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:30 pm

paul, i think u may get some good relief if u use the uvb does your dermatologist have one at your clinic at least u can do the whole psoriasis area in several minutes in one sitting, du e to time constraints and work rosters going to my dermatologost to stand in the uvb solarium style was difficult to fit in on regular schedule which u need to do, i have purchased a dermalight 80 hand held unit and have had some very good results some small areas have cleared yet other areas cleared after about two weeks but then returned after two and a half weeks of not using the dermalight80, i went overseas but really enjoyed the fact that was psoriasis clear even though psoriasis returned i had two and a half week reprieve to feel normal , the only problem with the dermalight 80 is if u have psoriasis in large areas as it takes a while to do each section , for example i have psoriasis around the lower legs so takes 3 minutes to hold on one area and takes six or seven sections to go around one lower leg which equalls 24 min for one leg it takes me about two hrs to zap each area on my body so i split this into two days so one hr each day , u can watch a movie while u do it just dont look at the light u can raise and lower the goggles that come with the unit if u have to look at area with psoriasis, a good soak in a warm bath for an hr every couple of days removes the build up of excess skin if u gentlly rub the area after long soak in bath, good luck paul ,lets hope some good news for the condition is around the corner.
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Postby Paul » Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:42 pm

Cheers Nick and Richo!!!,.....

So much helpfull information here, I have a good feeling of hope!!

Was planning on buying the Dermalight80 soon but will also ask my Doctor about NHS treatment,

Nice one with yer holiday Richo!

Quality website!! sooo much help!!

Gonna try cherries,

Gonna try Risotriene,............check it out on

Chow ya'll x x x x x :D
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Re: Quality!!!!

Postby Nick Balgowan » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:20 am

Paul wrote:Cheers Nick and Richo!!!,.....

So much helpfull information here, I have a good feeling of hope!!

Was planning on buying the Dermalight80 soon but will also ask my Doctor about NHS treatment,

Nice one with yer holiday Richo!

Quality website!! sooo much help!!

Gonna try cherries,

Gonna try Risotriene,............check it out on

Chow ya'll x x x x x :D


I looked up the product you mentioned. It just seems like a wheat substitute? Removing wheat from your diet seems to make improvements for a small number of people, so with products like this, any benefit seems to be from what is removed from the diet, rather than what has been added. But you never know unless you try it. To know if the product works for you, you are best to trial removing wheat first, and watch for impovements and then add the product you mention. Otherwise you never really know what is helping - or not.
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Postby nightangel67 » Wed Aug 30, 2006 1:36 am

I have asthma and arthritis.
A pharmacist where I get my prescriptions filled said all of these are intertwined because of the auto-immune connection.
Stress is a big factor in flaring but as a fellow sufferer you can't help but worry. lol and it's just what we don't need
I love green tea.
You can buy it as a diet drink in a can or drink it hot.
Itching is what drives me crazy.
I don't know if this has anything to do with diet or not.
Love tomatoes so I don't want to completely cut them out and sometimes my p can be bad whether I have eaten "so-called" trigger foods.
We are all individuals and what might work for one doesn't always work for another person.
This is an awesome thread.
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Try watermelon...

Postby jdstone67 » Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:38 am

I hate diets. I am the typical meat eating male. I have tried diets but I am weak to food. It seems that I have given up all the other vices have gone away. The only one left is overeating.
Eating watermelon is good because it has water intake and fills you up.
I need some help in the diet area too.
Thats why I am posting and replying.
I just got married a couple years ago and have two girls.
I aquired psoriasis and kidney stones since then.
Today my ankle is really sore and my boss keeps telling me I have gout.
So I need to change my diet.
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