Hi there ya'll, first time on this forum, just discovered not long ago that what I have been told for the last 7 years was eczema is in fact psoriasis, not impressed!, I've been on loads of steroid creams which dont really help in the long run, Iam thinking of buying the "UV Buddy" on "beatpsoriasis.com", any advice or comments regarding UVB?,
Also is there any way to stop the spreading?, I suffer on my shins and calves which have both seen many injuries and casts in the past which may have been triggers, and which both take regular beatings due to hobbies, are certain clothes/materials triggers?
Iam also a chronic asthma sufferer and have almost lost my life on a few occasions, but after lots of web research Iam reluctant to continue with my medication due to various side effects and long term health implications including the possible link with psoriasis, does anyone have any information or knowledge/experience with this?
I have definately noticed that alcohol and smoking and recreational drugs (non of which I should do due to my asthma!) worsen flaring and spreading, also all the food stuffs to be avoided mentioned are all pretty much favourites if mine (and the most of the worlds!), but I have not yet linked any of them to my psoriasis, but they certainly trigger my asthma, fortunately I also enjoy all (healthy) foods so I can try some of the recomended diets and see if they help with my psoriasis,
Water has definately helped with both my asthma and psoriasis, I think thats why the above consumables are triggers due to them generally dehydrating you, being in sunny countries has also helped temporarily,
Also I tend to be quite stressed alot of the time for various reasons, also I think I may have some mental disorders (according to some stupid tests at work and on the net and your usual articles you find everywhere! you never know!?) so this could be a contributing factor overall,
Then again, it could just be genetic or it could just be plain old me and unlucky!, who knows? my Fathers side of the family have a heart condition history which I read is linked, almost all my family on both sides are smokers, my Mother had "haley-haley" (sp) a terrible skin disease much worse than psoriasis, which she used to take "cyclosporin" for for years, she died of lung cancer 6 years ago, our family doctor stated that in theory the cyclosporin could have caused the cancer, could this be a factor?
Anyway, I just hope I can find something decent to control this horriblness, one good thing about being alive this day in age is the access to information via the net and forums etc which would not have been available before for older sufferers, I've learned alot in a short space of time that my dermatologist and doctor have failed to tell me, hopefully some of the information I have discovered here will be of some help,
Anyway, lunch time approaching (a boring lunch at that!) well done if you read all of my rant and cheers! offshore just now in the glorius North Sea! ug! a bit bored and surfin' the net, hence the spare time on my hands,
Chow for now x x x

I look forward to hearing any information
P:S, I think I'll just move to a sunny country, the sun seem's to help!
P:SS, Has anyone been on to <PSORIASIS CURED URL> just wandering if this guy's book is recomended?