internal not external

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internal not external

Postby Mundi » Sat May 02, 2009 5:21 pm

ive been putting on lotions and creams for years only to find they suppress the condition only to come back stronger than ever.
not long ago i went on a 10 day liquid detox that seem to reduce flare ups and thought treatments should be internal not external, what do other peoples think.
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Re: internal not external

Postby Nick Balgowan » Mon May 04, 2009 9:39 am

Mundi wrote:ive been putting on lotions and creams for years only to find they suppress the condition only to come back stronger than ever.
not long ago i went on a 10 day liquid detox that seem to reduce flare ups and thought treatments should be internal not external, what do other peoples think.

Hello Mundi. I think you are spot on. As psoriasis (and other similar conditions) are linked the the immune system and often hereditary. There is also masses of evidence to suggest diet can IMPACT on psoriasis, by either contributing to it or making is less severe. Often some forms of dermatitis look very similar to psoriasis, and some people actually have food allergies and intollerances. So unfortuantely the nature of the beast is to try, try, try, try and keep trying until you find something that either works well for you, or at least gives some level of relief. Typically any potent topical medication is simply a steroid and once stopped, as you said, psoriasis flares up usually worse than before.
Nick Balgowan.
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