Psoriasis on nails

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Psoriasis on nails

Postby Greenland » Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:03 am


I have been diagnosed with psoriasis on my nails I don´t have it on other sides of my body yet. Is there a way to handle the nails? The doctor didn´t seem to know much. I also would like to know if there is some food that I should avoid or eat. I know smoking is not good for P and I am giving it up but what about alcohol and coffee? is it bad for P.

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RE, Greenland

Postby natkingcole23 » Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:19 pm


Take a look at the posts in this section and the diet section. If it is psoriasis on your nails... a diet could help you. I have never had psoriasis on my nails so I can't say for sure. I just had the common one (plaque) from head to toe at one stage, however its clearing now.


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Postby adnan » Fri Oct 27, 2006 3:04 am

Alcohol and coffee are known for their bad effect on Psoriasis, in addition to other things, i agree with Nick that diet can help u profoudly ..
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Psoriasis on nails

Postby Lisaw » Sat Mar 10, 2007 4:10 pm

Try Aloe Vera Gel. I lost my thumb nail sometime last year. It has grown back. Still has dents in it. I noticed another spot appearing on another nail and since I have been using Aloe Vera Gel it's disappeared. Co-incidence? Don't know. But my hands are so good at the moment you wouldn't even think I have P on my hands. I just use this gel 3-4 times a day as a hand moisturiser. Seems to be working at the moment so I'll roll with this one.
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Re: Psoriasis on nails

Postby Ambiance » Sun May 10, 2009 7:17 pm

Greetingz. I had psoriasis under one thumb nail. I soaked it in a coal tar solution every day for about two months, seemed to do the trick. My finger was stained and stunk like only coal tar can, but it did eventually clear it up. The only psoriasis that has never come back so far. Not sure why.
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Re: Psoriasis on nails

Postby sunfish » Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:11 pm

i still suffer from P under my nails.
Some years ago t the recommendation of a friend who had relief from shingles, I went to an acupuncturist a for help with my P and he prescribed courses of acupuncture and specifically soaking in black ordinary tea twice a day for say 5 minutes.
This was at a time when the P under my nails was very very bad.
This and the acupuncture did help my nails. I also had P arthritis is some of finger joints at different times. Again acupuncture did help with this.
I would say P at this location is very difficult to clear completely. But it is one version of P conventional medicine is of no help at all with.
My acupuncturist was both an ordinary GP and a acupuncturist. He only practiced acupuncture and wholistic medicine (vitamin shots etc ). he was a very experienced practitioner of Chinese descent. His brother also had a similar practice in another major city. Unfortunately he has now retired. I am not saying you standard acupuncturist has the kind of knowledge he had but i am sure the more experienced dedicated professionals do.
I recommend acupuncture as an adjunct for any treatment of P. there are open skeptics to acupuncture including many conventional doctors. But if they are so smart just ask them what causes P? they frankly don't know can only explain the symptoms not the cause. So if they don't understand what or how in the mechanisms of many deseases it is also possible they don't understand the what and how of many effective treatments as well.
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