psoriasis treatment
The Goeckerman treatment is one of the safest and most
effective treatments for moderate to severe psoriasis. Only
a few medical centres in the United States offer this
Psoriasis is characterized by the build-up of rough, dry,
dead skin cells forming thick scales. The exact cause of
psoriasis isn't known. But it appears to be a disorder of
the immune system. The Goeckerman treatment combines coal
tar ointment with light therapy (phototherapy) using
ultraviolet B (UVB) light. Both are applied to the skin over
a three-week period.
It's not clear exactly how the coal tar works. It appears to
decrease inflammation, which slows the growth of skin cells.
In addition, it may have a very mild modulating effect on
the immune system. Ultraviolet light also slows the rapid
growth of skin cells. The treatment uses UVB light because
it's less likely to increase the risk of skin cancer than is
ultraviolet A (UVA) light.
AA basic form of Goeckerman psoriasis treatment can be
conducted in the privacy of your own home, by utilising bath
additive coal tar solution and coal tar lotions and a home
phototherapy unit such as the Dermalight80 or UV-Buddy
available here.