Dermatitis - Pompholyx
Intensely Itchy Rash on the Hands and Feet
This condition goes by several different names - Dyshidrotic
eczema, Dyshidrotic dermatitis, and pompholyx. The word
Dyshidrotic is used because it is felt that this condition
is related to sweat glands, but this association has not
been proven. The name pompholyx comes from the Greek word
for bubble, which accurately describes this disorder.
Cause of Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
Nobody knows for sure what causes Dyshidrotic dermatitis.
Many people with atopic dermatitis also have Dyshidrotic
dermatitis, which may mean that Dyshidrotic dermatitis is just a
form of atopic dermatitis on the hands and feet. Emotional
stress can make Dyshidrotic dermatitis worse, but does not cause
it. Ingestion of allergens such as chromate, neomycin,
quinoline, or nickel may cause some cases.
Appearance of Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
The rash of Dyshidrotic dermatitis occurs on the hands and
feet. The majority of cases involve the palms and sides of the
fingers, but the soles of the feet can also be involved. The
rash looks like crops of clear, deep-seated, tapioca-like
vesicles and is very itchy. The vesicles resolve in 3 to 4 weeks
and are replaced by 1- to 3-mm rings of scale.
Treatment of Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
Most attacks resolve spontaneously within 1-3 weeks, but
since the rash can be intensely itchy, the following medications
may be used to speed healing or control the itching:
Aluminium subacetate, or Burrow's Solution, is a drying soak that can
be used if the lesions ooze.
Large blisters can be drained by a health care provider.
Antibiotics may be needed if the skin is broken and
infection is suspected.
High strength topical steroids are often used to control
Severe cases may be treated with oral methotrexate.
Aluminium chloride 20% (Drysol) may help in cases made worse
by sweating.
Source: About Health
Dyshidrotic dermatitis, also known as pompholyx, is an
intensely itchy rash that occurs on the hands and feet. Find
out more about what Dyshidrotic dermatitis looks like and
how it is treated.
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