Acne pictures
and photographs of acne
please find below several acne pictures of easily
identified types of acne including pimples, white heads and
black heads. please note that a large number of people use
our pictures without our permission. We make our pictures
freely available, providing that you simply give us credit
and a reference. We also ask for a hyperlink back to our
home page. Please hyperlink to the pictures stored on our
web page rather than copying them. That way, when we update
our pictures you also receive the new picture immediately.
whitehead or pimple |
acne black head |
acne before UV treatment
acne after UV phototherapy |
acne on the chest
acne on the back
picture of acne on the face |
Please see the information at the top of this page if you
are interested in using any of our psoriasis pictures.
Acne is the result of overactivity of oil glands at the
base of hair follicles. Hormone changes during teenage years
cause oil glands to become overactive. Here are some
pictures of common types of acne.
Products for the treatment of acne
We offer a variety of products for treatment of acne.
Please click here to see all
products or here for the
Dermalight80 for spot treatment of acne (requires UVA.) |