Having success with a diet

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Postby powderchyld » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:07 am

How does the alkaline diet work? What does it involve?
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Postby natkingcole23 » Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:07 am

powderchyld wrote:How does the alkaline diet work? What does it involve?

Its just a healthy diet, remember science back in school, pH scale?, alkaline, acid. The scale starts from zero goes up to 14. 0-14. Seven is neutral and alkaline, below 7 it starts to become acid. So for example coffee, meat, surgar bread etc is below 7, while most vegetables some filtered water and some fruits are 7 and above. For people with psoriasis and other aliments an alkaline diet is best. Its also a very good way to lose weight, with a small amount of exerise. We do need some food thats acidic or slightly acidic, but not in great amounts. Theres a book Called the pH miracle for Weight Loss, by Robert O Young. But like I said its all about healthy living food. Common sence really.


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dietary control/cure of psoriasis

Postby concerned lady » Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:45 am

Great thread on this great forum!

I'm also trying the diet from the book called healing psoriasis, the natural alternative, written by a New Jersey chiropractor whose first name is John and whose last name is SPAMER LINK REMOVED.

I had just started on the diet, but unfortunately cought either a cold, stomach flu, or stomething else (a virus I think). So I went to bed, just sleeping & drinking water for the last couple of days. Mild fever is going down, so I'm back up in the land of the living. Amazing how rest and sleep can restore health.

I had previously been doing suntan booths about 3x a week, but overdid a bit one time, and had to stop, after I saw blisters (2nd degree burn!). My psoriasis (if it is psoriasis) is on scalp, and under breasts ("inverse" psoriasis, also has several other names, when psoriasis is in skin folds)

I overdid with the suntanning, when I was trying to recover from irritation from using an ointment that didn't agree with me (I may have been allergic to the ointment).

Now, I'm back to using a holistic salicylic ointment, that I got from a health food store, and am doing no suntanning temporarily (will do suntanning again, later on--because I do like the effects of sun & tanning!), and am now trying Dr. P's diet!

I'm drinking more water (we have a well, so thankfully, no chlorine & no fluoride), am avoiding sugar (dang--have to avoid chocolate!), am avoiding all milk products, am avoiding gluten (gluten is in wheat, rye, barley...and gluten can get onto oats & buckwheat), am working on eating more green veggies & other veggies, will eat more fruits, trying to eat mainly organic foods, and using brown rice (organic) as my only grain. I'm also trying not to overdo (trying to avoid eating too much at any one sitting).

Dr. P. advises to avoid red meats, and pork, so am eating chicken, turkey & fish. He does say an occasional slice of crisp bacon is OK, so apparently, he's not a total dictator, regarding his diet!

He also says to definitely avoid the nightshade family, at least at first. This nightshade family includes tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers of all kinds, plus nicotine containing plants, and even the spice paprika. I've heard that arthritics should also avoid the nightshade family, at least at first.

I went to a dermatologist, in the Denver area, trying to get diagnosed (I've had this...probably psoriasis...for over 2 years), and no biopsy was taken, by the dermatologist, who spent only about 5 minutes with me. The knee-jerk response was to prescribe steroid cream plus anti-fungal cream. I never filled these prescriptions. I prefer natural methods, when at all possible.

On another psoriasis forum, I learned about the book that NatKingCole mentioned, written by the New Jersey chiropractor, Dr. John (last name SPAMER LINK REMOVED), and this approach makes a lot of sense to me! Several others on that forum, got help from Dr. P's book. The other forum, is part of psoriasis.org's website, and there are many helpful people there! Sally is one of them, as is Dulane, and others.

Does anyone on this forum know of a dermatologist and/or chiropractor in the Denver area of Colorado, who uses dietary methods to help their psoriasis patients to recover? I would like to visit such a medical person!

I'm a former nurse, and I've seen over the years, that there is way too much resistance, in the "allopathic" medical community, to using diet as one of the first lines of treatment for anything.

As soon as my burns heal, I'll be back to using sunlight &/or tanning booths, &/or ultra violet light, as an additional healing method.

I also bought some Dead Sea Salts, to use in a bath, but will have to wait until I'm more healed, so that I don't get irritated from pouring salt into the wound.

I also have staphlococcal bacterial infections I think, where the staph bacteria on the skin, got into the irritated areas of the psoriasis, so I have been keeping an eye on this.

If my fever had gotten higher (it never got over 2 degrees above my normal temperature), and if I had felt flu-like symptoms, I would have had a blood test taken, to check on possible "sepsis" (bacteria getting into the bloodstream), and I would have opted for antibiotics. Luckily, my fever is dropping (now is only one degree above my normal temperature), so I'm sure I don't have "sepsis". I'm also feeling a lot better.

Anybody know any psoriasis-knowledgable docs &/or chiros, in the Denver area?

Good luck to all!

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Postby concerned lady » Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:56 am

The author of the book spells his last name this way: pea, eh, gee, eh, en, oh. I don't know why the moderators of this holistic website seem to be very resistant to another holistic approach that is actually complementary to phototherapy. The only reason I can think of, is that the chiro says that one can control/cure psoriasis, without ointments, and without using sunlamps.

However, the New Jersey chiropractor who wrote the book healing psoriasis the natural alternative, is in favor of using natural sunlight, and even is in favor of ultra violet lamp treatments. He most likes natural sunbathing, especially if one can first bathe/soak in clean salt water areas, and he is also in favor of non-irritating ointments.

I think the moderators should read the book, themselves, before jumping to a conclusion that it's a spam/scam!

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Postby concerned lady » Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:09 am

I think it's great that you all (and I) are willing to try some, most, or all of the dietary changes that SPAMER LINK REMOVED recommends in his book.

I went to my chiro earlier today, and he found every one of the places out of whack, that dr. p. says in his book, should be checked for mal-adjustment, (needing to be adjusted). My chiro also found a few extra places, needing adjustment. My chiro was very interested in the book healing psoriasis the natural alternative, probably because the author is also a chiro.

I think the forced fasting I had to do (except for drinking a lot of well water, which was helpful), due to the bug I had, actually was helpful, for eliminating some toxins, and by giving my digestive system and liver a little rest. And staying in bed and sleeping so much, for a couple of days, was also restorative!

I just noticed a couple of skin colored spots (normal color) starting to show up, in the psoriasis areas, so I am encouraged to keep up trying SPAMER LINK REMOVED's diet.

Good luck to all!

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Postby concerned lady » Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:13 am

The book is not written by a spammer. The author's name, in pig latin, is ohnjay aganopay, and backwards, is nhoj onagap.

Good luck to all.
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Postby Nick Balgowan » Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:33 am

concerned lady wrote:The book is not written by a spammer. The author's name, in pig latin, is ohnjay aganopay, and backwards, is nhoj onagap.

Good luck to all.

the link in question has been removed due to somebody presumably linked to the sale or publication of this book, continually registering as a new user and emailing members and promoting their publication. therefore the linkand promotion of this book is banned. due to a growing number of spam and junk links removed daily from the system, the new policy is for no outside links. there are several reviews of this book and most conclude it is neither original nor particularly beneficial for the wider community. if some people find relief from a particular diet that is fantatic, but when a new user continually joins and all they do is praise this publication and contact people directly to promote it - there is something obviously astray.
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Re: links.

Postby natkingcole23 » Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:50 am

the link in question has been removed due to somebody presumably linked to the sale or publication of this book

I hope you are not refering to me? I would have started a website to promote a book or products and that I haven't. Also a spammer would give the web address which I didn't. Not everyone is it for the money, some do actually want to help and support others, as we know how annouying and restricting this condition is.


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Re: links.

Postby Nick Balgowan » Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:58 am

natkingcole23 wrote:
the link in question has been removed due to somebody presumably linked to the sale or publication of this book

I hope you are not refering to me? I would have started a website to promote a book or products and that I haven't. Also a spammer would give the web address which I didn't. Not everyone is it for the money, some do actually want to help and support others, as we know how annouying and restricting this condition is.



hi Nat, no not at all. There have been about 10 user accounts setup by a person sole bent on promoting this book and only this book. They have emailed members directly and repeatedly, hence I needed to disable emailing users directly. They then proceeded to post message after message promoting this book. There is a large amount of spam abuse of web forums and it is starting to take far too much of my time every day. Infact, today since just ckecking the last few emails I have deleted around 5 users and baned several who have already posted spam and junk while I am actually online. So as an earlier policy announcement said, the simple and easiest way to protect users from junk and often explicit advertising is to ban all links. Any product that has spammed the forum gets added to the black list.

I openly encourage people to try diets, but most of this information is completely free and widely known. Some people choose to put it into books and call it their own work, but I don't personlly believe people should need to pay for this, and when a book claims to cure psoriasis or other unsubstaniated medical claims, then they are bogus too.
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Re: links.

Postby natkingcole23 » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:11 am

hi Nat, no not at all. There have been about 10 user accounts setup by a person sole bent on promoting this book and only this book. They have emailed members directly and repeatedly, hence I needed to disable emailing users directly.

Thanks Nick. I agree with what you are doing.


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some ideas

Postby concerned lady » Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:57 pm

Dear Nick,

I love your avatar, and think that in a previous life, I was a Canadian goose!

Nick, you wrote:

"Any product that has spammed the forum gets added to the black list."

If the product might be a good product, but the spammer is not good, why throw out the baby with the bath water?

I'm slowly reading the New Jersey chiropractor's book. I don't agree with everything in there, but his book is motivating me to eat better, work on increasing elimination, not indulge in negative thinking patterns, etc.

It might be interesting to let the idiot spammers do their thing, and let the good folks here directly fend off the spammers, and put them in their place. Have you thought of trying that?

In the chiro's book, he says that he didn't write the book until he had quite a few years of good results of his psoriasis patients trying his dietary suggestions, etc.

In his book, he says he's for anything that helps, including sunshine, phototherapy, various salves, salt water bathing, etc.

He seems to be less threatened by your website's phototherapy products, than your website seems to be, about his book. Am I misreading what you've written?

Anyway, good luck to you, and good luck to all!

I'm trying everything, not just one thing.

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Re: some ideas

Postby Nick Balgowan » Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:05 pm

concerned lady wrote:Dear Nick,

I love your avatar, and think that in a previous life, I was a Canadian goose!

Nick, you wrote:

"Any product that has spammed the forum gets added to the black list."

If the product might be a good product, but the spammer is not good, why throw out the baby with the bath water?

I'm slowly reading the New Jersey chiropractor's book. I don't agree with everything in there, but his book is motivating me to eat better, work on increasing elimination, not indulge in negative thinking patterns, etc.

It might be interesting to let the idiot spammers do their thing, and let the good folks here directly fend off the spammers, and put them in their place. Have you thought of trying that?

In the chiro's book, he says that he didn't write the book until he had quite a few years of good results of his psoriasis patients trying his dietary suggestions, etc.

In his book, he says he's for anything that helps, including sunshine, phototherapy, various salves, salt water bathing, etc.

He seems to be less threatened by your website's phototherapy products, than your website seems to be, about his book. Am I misreading what you've written?

Anyway, good luck to you, and good luck to all!

I'm trying everything, not just one thing.


Hi there,

Yes my avatar is from a previous life :roll:

We are in no way threatened by his book, any book, any product or any tip or suggestion. Our products are not suitabl for everybody, nor is any diet free or otherwise. I would have hoped our thought process was clear. If something works for you - GO FOR IT and well done for finding some relief. That should be fairly clear by the fact this conversation is even happening. But it has been clear that somebody involved with this particular publication has tried to promote it here which is obviously against our usage policy. Hence, it has made it to our automatic black list.

There is no unique information in this book, and all of this information is available elsewhere essentially free of charge. Most people with psoriasis have experimented with their own diets, or via the process of trial and ellimination have isolated foods that may trigger their psoriasis - myself included. But when a user contacts every new person who registers on our forum and suggest they purchase this product from the source - it must leave you wondering if it was so good, why it would not be selling itself but relying on infiltration tactics to fish for customers from an essentially free online support forum...
Nick Balgowan.
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Postby adnan » Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:51 pm

You know what Nick:
i just like the way you present things around here, and due to my huge search for the psoriasis, its quite clear that a lot are just spammers and/or wants you to buy a certain product, neverthelss, i have been a month on the same diet the lady talked about,and i am seeing improvements,we had enough of Psoriasis side effects, specially the one concerend to self trust, thus it's not a bad idea to start another healing path, which can save the huge hassle of drugs' side effects,i must agree with Nick that psoriasis symptoms for all of us are nearly the same "in concept" but the triggers and reasons are numourous,that is why a diet may work or may not, but the sole thing that i respect in Nick is that he is open to all possible ways, and i believe he is like this since he is a Psoriasis sufferer himself, not like others who try to get some money out of selling known information!
For the diet it's healthier after all, so why not to try it, i lost like 12 LB so far and it's a good thing! for me, i think that the best way to try the "DIET" issue is to do it and when u reach a satisfactory result you can start adding food that was once banned, and check the results, this goes to other habits....
Stress is a trigger for sure,bad sleep habits can act badly...
Havea healthy food, havea healthy life and healthy body organs, specially the de-tox organs ==> liver,kidneys,lungs and skin as well !
FOr the book itself,despite the fact of claiming success,some didnt but it was due to not abiding by the diet itself...
Wish you all a healthy,free of psoriasis life.
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Thanks, Adnan and Nick!

Postby concerned lady » Wed Nov 29, 2006 2:03 am


I couldn't have put it better than you just did, in your heartfelt reply to Nick and me.

Hey, I've been fooled before, but I learned from my mistakes. I also feel that: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Also, I saw a great Chinese proverb on another psoriasis forum (when I find the name of that forum, I'll share it here), in which they had a quote of an old Chinese proverb, that went something like this:

Those who say it can't be done, shouldn't interfere with those who are doing it.

Anyway, since I don't own this forum, I'll try not to be too heavy handed about my opinions. Nick is entitled to run his forum any way he likes. So, I'll report back, about whether the specific "diet", herbs, elimination techniques, chiro adjustments, lessening negative thinking, etc., suggested by the good doc (chiro in New Jersey) helps me get rid of or greatly lessen this psoriasis, or not.

I'll try to learn the patience lesson, to really give it a good try, long enough (months) to see whether it helps me or not.

And contrary to the NJ chiro's acceptance of microwave ovens, and teflon, I will continue to avoid both microwave ovens, and non-stick cookware. I'm not a blind follower of everything he writes! :)

I liked that the NJ chiro said he tailors his methods to suit each individual patient's needs, so that it's not actually identical for everyone. He also gives emotional support (moral support), to those who need it (who are suffering greatly), to keep trying, until they've given the methods a good chance to work or not work.

Also, as Nick says, some have been helped by similar diets, including juicing, avoiding junk foods, etc. etc. (One person said the gerson diet did the trick for him, getting rid of his psoriasis--can't remember which forum I saw that on).

Here's an interesting point the good doc (NJ chiro) made, that I saw while I was reading in his book late last night: He said that one of his patients had to be hospitalized, for an unrelated problem (not for his psoriasis), and the patient was on intravenous feedings for a while, and was not allowed to eat by mouth (npo=non per os, I think, =nothing by mouth). To the patient's surprise, his psoriasis went away, only to return, after he was off the intravenous feedings, and began eating regular foods again, including beef and tomatoes (2 of the "forbidden" foods, in the "banned book" by the good doc in NJ)

The NJ doc (author of banned book) felt that this observation by his patient, was very important in showing some cause & effect, even if the doc (chiro in NJ) couldn't totally explain why. Cause=eating certain foods that are not good for specific patient. Effect=toxicity overload in that patient (says the good chiro in NJ), leading to psoriasis in pre-disposed patients.

Way back, I had also read in bernard jensen's book about bowel care, etc., that when his psoriasis patients fasted on water, their psoriasis would improve. (I can't remember if the fast included freshly juiced fruits & veggies, but it might have).

Although edgar cayce is the original inspiration for the NJ chiro, I'm not a cayce follower. And yet, if the NJ chiro has found something from that person, that is helpful, and that works for many of his patients, I won't condemn the chiro, just because some spammers are obnoxious idiots.

An analogy is those (some people, including scientists) who totally condemn religion, banning the mention of various bibles, because awful things have been done in the name of religion, which is true. I'm not religious, but there are quite a few spammers, who would make some people want to ban all the various bibles (including the late john lennon of the beatles), because of the spammers who push the bibles so much in people's faces, etc.

And, another analogy, is the very religious, who totally condemn science, for being godless. Well, they forget that even albert einstein had a tremendous feeling of awe at the wonders of creation and the world.

I will just take the best info I can, from each source, try it, if it's not harmful, and share what helps me, with whoever is interested.

I would also probably be more inclined to buy a phototherapy unit, if the book were not banned (analagous to Nick's reaction to spammers of the book). As rodney king said, can't we all just get along?

Good luck to all!

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Re: Thanks, Adnan and Nick!

Postby Nick Balgowan » Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:03 am


I simply don't believe that anybody who really cares about relieving psoriasis suffering would charge for what is essentially public domain information. There are well documented cases of reducing red meat intake and acidic foods like tomatos and other similar fruits as they are proven triggers for psoriasis. Having said that, more recent evidence shows people with psoriasis can eat organic red meat that is not sprinkled with Sodium Nitrate to enhance the shelf life and make red meat look redder on the supermarket shelves. So is it the red meat or the Sodium Nitrate?? So charging sufferers for advice that can be obtained very freely from a psoriasis support group, most doctors or online leaves me wondering to the motives of this particular diet too. Then, add on the spam attempts to this forum to sell this book and I wonder how legitimite it really is. It is certainately nothing unique.

The internet is riddled with "wonder cures" and "this worked for me" but any real psoriasis patient knows what works for one person, may make things worse for others.

I was at a medical conference 2 weeks ago, and I nearly had one dermatologist attack me saying he knew that milk causes psoriasis - as he stopped drinking milk and his psoriasis goes away. I asked him if he actually had his psoriasis diagnosed, and after another debate, he had not. And obviously doctors are always right, I asked him how he knew he even had psoriasis without a biopsy. For a condition to clear up very fast after stopping a particular food, it may also have been an allergic dermatitis and not psoriasis at all. There are a large number of people with dermatitis who have been improperly diagnosed with psoriasis. Something that few diets or wonder cures even tough on. Step 1 in my opinion is to properly determine if you even have psoriasis.

Then another doctor said just drink more water. But generally most General Practitioners concurred that removing several food groups, increasing water consumption, zinc, vitiman C and green leafy vegitables is a good path too. Then I know people pop a vitamin C tablet and they are bright red the very next day. So go figure. I personally think a bindge diet as a solution to any problem is not a solution at all.

A more logical approach is to remove one food group at a time, and by a process of ellimination, attempt to work out if a particular good is triggering your psoriasis. Some people, including myself, have tried every possible diet recommendation. There was at least 6 months that i only ate organice vegitables and fruits - which no real results for my psoriasis.
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