Having success with a diet

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Having success with a diet

Postby natkingcole23 » Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:06 pm

Hi all,

I just have to say if you haven't tried following an elimination diet or the diet suggested by Dr. John SPAMER LINK REMOVED in his book Healing psoriasis you may want to look into it. I have been following Dr SPAMER LINK REMOVED's diet for about 6 months now and I'm getting results!! In another post I said my skin looked like it had been blasted of my body. It was very red sore looking and I was unable to wear shorts or t-shirts in public. Now I have started swimming again however there are still some spots left but they are slowly disapearing and are no where near as embarassing as before.
The diet in SPAMER LINK REMOVED's book is not easy to follow you need to be diligent and patient. There is a poll in the 'psoriasis diet' forum it says, for one of the choices in regards to solving psoriasis through diet 'No, if it were that simple nobody would have psoriasis'
I have to tell you all... following Dr. SPAMER LINK REMOVED's diet is far from easy!
I'm also taking Evening Primrose, milk thistle and calcium capsules along with coconut oil for a moisturiser. Jucing vegetables and fruits and getting some exercise.

All the best to you all,

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Postby adnan » Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:28 pm

i just ordered the book and will see what will happen,thanks for your post
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Postby natkingcole23 » Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:35 pm

That's the first step, take control and make it happen!
Everyday I think about what my body will look like without psoriasis, the things I use to do and took for granted such as wearing a singlet at the beach.
Go for it you have everything to gain.



adnan wrote:i just ordered the book and will see what will happen,thanks for your post
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Postby adnan » Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:02 am

i will hopefully, but as u mentioned earlier it's a so hard diet, i wonder to what level is ir?in addition i want to ask if you were strict to the diet ?

after the period of full healing hopefully,can a one get back to what he used to (i know it will have a dramatic change on ones eating habits) ?

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Psoriasis Spot Free in 30 days

Postby roqqe » Tue Oct 17, 2006 3:40 am

Hi! I just had to reply to Nathan, I am in the 5th day of a diet that a psoriasis sufferer created that is working! I am so excited about it and I want to share it with everyone. I will keep you posted as I have 25 more days to go and then my eating habits will be affected forever. It is a strict diet.... nothing from a cow or a pig, no wheat - no bread, cereal, etc.... it also involves eating a lot of vegetables and no coffee (my personal favorite thing in the whole world). I am finally free of my caffeine withdrawl headache just today. It was rough to say the least. My spots are turning skin color, they are healing.... I am so amazed. When I was diagnosed with this a year and a half ago, it was so depressing, and this past summer I got stares at my legs and people saying,"What is that?" I was so embarrassed. Just recently my hands became afflicted badly, bright red ugly spots that look like sores. I work with people and sometimes I know they wondered what disease I had. A good friend of mine told me about this diet. She has been outbreak free for five years now. I will let you know how my progress goes. If this works I want as many people who suffer with this skin condition to know about it.
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Postby natkingcole23 » Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:17 am

To Adnan,

I think being strict in the early stages is very important, for the first 3-4 months. I ocassionally stray from the diet now and then but I always get back on it. It's a life style change for the better. If you do more research on the Internet, read more books about health and food, you'll probably not go back to your old eating habbits. Some of things we put into our bodies are just crap have absolutely no nutritional value what so ever.
I have found that juicing vegetables with a good juicing machine is also quite important, I do this twice a day. Sometimes I juice fruit as well. Check out any of the 'Gerson Therapy' websites.



adnan wrote:i will hopefully, but as u mentioned earlier it's a so hard diet, i wonder to what level is ir?in addition i want to ask if you were strict to the diet ?

after the period of full healing hopefully,can a one get back to what he used to (i know it will have a dramatic change on ones eating habits) ?

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Re: Psoriasis Spot Free in 30 days

Postby natkingcole23 » Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:50 am

Great news Raquel!,

How is your friends condition now? I talked to a young man in Sydney Australia, he had psoriasis real bad. All over his body and finger nails. Actually he started me off on drinking vegetable juice and as I researched more into psoriasis I found loads of good information such as SPAMER LINK REMOVED's book. Anyhow the man in Sydney has been free of psoriasis for two years and he says he eats what ever he wants now, but within reason, meaning he doesn't over indulge in the bad tasty foods like he used to.
I know what it's like to have complete strangers looking and talking about my skin..not a good feeling. But now you are doing something about it and turning yourself around. You can only be positive about it, there is simply no other choice! Remember to keep an open mind and keep learning about psoriasis and other ways to help eliminate it from your system.



roqqe wrote:Hi! I just had to reply to Nathan, I am in the 5th day of a diet that a psoriasis sufferer created that is working! I am so excited about it and I want to share it with everyone. I will keep you posted as I have 25 more days to go and then my eating habits will be affected forever. It is a strict diet.... nothing from a cow or a pig, no wheat - no bread, cereal, etc.... it also involves eating a lot of vegetables and no coffee (my personal favorite thing in the whole world). I am finally free of my caffeine withdrawl headache just today. It was rough to say the least. My spots are turning skin color, they are healing.... I am so amazed. When I was diagnosed with this a year and a half ago, it was so depressing, and this past summer I got stares at my legs and people saying,"What is that?" I was so embarrassed. Just recently my hands became afflicted badly, bright red ugly spots that look like sores. I work with people and sometimes I know they wondered what disease I had. A good friend of mine told me about this diet. She has been outbreak free for five years now. I will let you know how my progress goes. If this works I want as many people who suffer with this skin condition to know about it.
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My progress and my friends'

Postby roqqe » Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:00 pm

I am in week 3 and I have been researching like crazy! I have to admit, I cheat a little every so often and then I pay for it! It is almost an immediate return to redness on my spots when I cheat and then 3 days of feeling bloated. Wow, what a lifestyle change. But my psoriasis is getting better, it is not as thick and it is fading away. I am learning that it is going to be up to me taking really good care of myself to beat this.
I am thinking SPAMER LINK REMOVED's diet is a lot like Cythia's, eliminating toxic foods, living off of veggies and fruits and nuts mostly. Cynthia's diet allows eggs,rice, chicken, and fish.... oatmeal too, but only in strict rotation with days in between. To be honest I am starting out just eliminating all the forbidden foods..... because there are so many! I have not followed the one out of every four days guidelines she puts on chicken and oatmeal and rice.... I just am not ready for that yet. I have a feeling when I am able to do that I will be clear of all spots..... I have lived with this condition for over two years now so I figure if it takes me a little while to get to my goal.... that is okay.
I am taking a fish oil supplement each day and a daily vitamin, that is all.... nothing too out of the ordinary. As I research, I have heard a lot about yeast and I am curious about this because I seem to have some of the symptoms that people with an abundance of yeast have, so I am looking into increasing my carrots by juicing and such, and trying to find ways to naturally combat the yeast problem. Getting rid of bread helps a great deal on it's own... but there are other things you can do... I am not one to go out and buy a lot of supplements, so I am looking into ways to deal with it through healthy food.
As for my friend. She followed the diet to a "T" and is completely free of her psoriasis for five years now. She cleaned her body out so well that she is able to eat a hamburger every now and then, but only like once a week. I look forward to living like this! Maybe in a few months :)

Take care everyone and don't ever, ever, ever, give up!
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Re: My progress and my friends'

Postby natkingcole23 » Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:32 pm

Hi there Rogge,

Good to hear of your progress, it's a long term thing for myself. My visual results came after about 3-4 months, however during that time my skin condition didn't worsen. When I cut out the toxic food the itching disappeared within a day. I found that a week in the sun and surf triggered a clearing in my skin. I do cheat and have also found that I pay for it a few hours later. Spots go red, scalp starts to flake....not nice really.
You said that after eating some food you feel bloated, I have found that lately too. And normally I haven't even eaten a large amount of food. I wonder if this has some kind of connection with psoriasis?



I am in week 3 and I have been researching like crazy! I have to admit, I cheat a little every so often and then I pay for it! It is almost an immediate return to redness on my spots when I cheat and then 3 days of feeling bloated. Wow, what a lifestyle change. But my psoriasis is getting better, it is not as thick and it is fading away. I am learning that it is going to be up to me taking really good care of myself to beat this.
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Postby adnan » Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:59 pm

Hi guys:

am on the fourth day of the diet, am taking all the measures that should be taken as per paganos' regimen except for the enema...

wish me luck guys, it's not easy diet, but am surviving without coffee,without my lovely potatoes and other stuff i used to eat ==> specially coke !!!

i hope to get well soon ! maybe within couple of months or so ..

GOD bless you all ...
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I am holding your hand Adnan!

Postby roqqe » Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:54 pm

Hi Adnan!
I had a SEVERE caffeine headache the first four days, I was taking tylenol and ibuprofen alternating every four hours! It finally lifted on the 5th day. You can do it! You will feel so much better once free from the caffeine anyhow.
The good thing about the diet is it is good for humans to eat healthy food, I think you will find that you feel soooooo much better!
I ate dairy yesterday and I had a headache about 2 hours afterwards, I feel gross today.....
Why do I feel the need to just see if I can get away with it once in a while? AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH
Well I am off to Target and am going to buy lots of yummy food that is good for me.
One piece of advice that was has been very helpful to me.... Only buy your food for a couple of days at a time.... you will find that you crave different kinds of veggies/fruits.... and whatever else you are allowed to eat. It is easier to stick to the diet if you do this. I seem to find my weak moments when I am unable to go get what I would reallly like to have to eat that day, or when I have nothing around the house or at work that is good for me.
I touched base with my friend who has been clear for years now and she said, "Don't cheat!" We also talked about tomatoes, I have been keeping a food journal to recognize triggers and I love tomatoes, but they seem to cause my spots to redden. I am going to eliminate them this week :( and see if that helps! :D

Keep your chin up and dont ever, ever, ever, give up!
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Postby adnan » Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:06 am

Hi Raqel:

What is interesting is that all the banned food is my favourite, but as u said i never gave up, am on my 5th day and the lesions are better in my hands , they are disappearing, i wish the same for my face and the rest of my body, as for the similatiry i can tell that my P is symmetric on both sides !! this is strange, nearly the same spots like an image !

I hope by abiding by this diet i will clear soon

good luck to all of you
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Postby natkingcole23 » Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:20 am

What is interesting is that all the banned food is my favourite,

I made the mistake of eating bread, yogurt and some others and my weight has increased along with the psoriasis lesions, fact.
So I'm going back to being diligent and unrelenting with my diet! Until I'm clean!!
I have a friend who is trying to get his psoriais back (he was clear) so he can document it fully by taking photos etc. He wants to prove that psoriasis can be controlled or eleminated, through dietry changes. So he is eating and drinking crappy food like pizza and beer and all the rest. But he is having trouble getting psoriasis again.... the poor thing!!


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Postby powderchyld » Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:49 am

pizza and beer? does he need another test subject? lol, my spots are starting to clear, I don't think I'll turn back now
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Postby natkingcole23 » Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:07 pm

powderchyld wrote:pizza and beer? does he need another test subject? lol, my spots are starting to clear, I don't think I'll turn back now

I just talk to him he said hes given it up now. He tried his best to get it but to no avail!! I had a few drinks yesterday and ate some sweet bread too. A few spots appeared this morning, along with a mild all over body itchy irritation! So I have been drinking lots of water and salads, trying to balance out my system again, by flushing out the acids and eating/drinking an alkaline diet. It's working too.

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