Triggers of Psoriasis

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Re: Smoking!!

Postby Nick Balgowan » Wed Jul 26, 2006 9:02 pm

Paul wrote:Yo Itchy!!,

Are you smoking your weed with tobacco?, if you are you should try leave the tobacco out as it will certainly irritate your p due to tobacco being extremely poisonous, try and smoke your weed by itself through a bong or pipe or even eat it, the active substance in marajuana (THC) apparently has benefits for psoriasis,

Good luck bro!!

Hi Paul, I am aware that some people believe or say THC has helped their psoriasis. But any person I know who has used Marajuana (how ever you spell it?) causes their psoriasis to become much worse. Infact, I know one person who only has psoriasis if/when he is smoking........ but again, everybody is different! One person's poison may be another's cure etc etc.
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Postby swanseajo » Fri Jul 28, 2006 10:45 pm

Throats are a major trigger for me then getting the psoriasis makes me stressed out and i mainly get psroiasis on the insides of my legs arms etc rather than on the outside . I also got my psoriasis when i was 12 and my doctor thought it might be hormonal changes in the body that might of caused it who knows lol....
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Postby waffnap » Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:13 am

Hello Jo
Unfortunately adolescence means raging hormones that bring changes to the body and certain conditions suddenly appear :( I guess stress manifests itself in many ways and can be a drain on the physical and health reserves. Sometimes, for me a sore throat is often the first indication I get that something is subconciously worrying me. I would sayI am more of a worrier and very often at night I would write things down that would be bothering me in a book knowing full well they would still be there in the morning. But in the meantime i had symbolically got rid of them during the night. Sometimes I would get so upset and depressed with the way my p looked but didn't feel comfortable being able to offload the way I was feeling to anyone. I went through a phase of writing down my thoughts sealing the envelope and putting it away in a drawer, now that is crazy :o but it made me feel a whole lot better.
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Postby daisyethell » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:57 pm

Hi i am new to this forum, my psoriasis decided to show itself when i was 12 and ever since then i have tried every cream under the sun but like most others have found that they are a temporary fix. A couple of years ago i was involved in a study at Auckland Uni to see if emotional events in your life are triggers for P breakouts, anyhow you had to write about a particular event, pour all of your thoughts and emotions out each day for a 1/2 hr over a month, the idea was that if you let go of built up frustrations then the sypmtons would lessen. Now I just wait for summer to roll around so i can dose myself up un salt water (takes away the itch) and sunshine :D

One thing i did find interesting was with my 1st pregnancy it cleared up totally then with my second i had it the worst it has ever been.

Hi there, hows it going today!
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Postby waffnap » Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:39 pm

Hello Daisy
Welcome to our little comunity glad you found us. I did something very similar by myself in writing down all my thoughts and putting them away, call it my own research if you like :lol:
I wish i could send you some sun but unfortunately it's rainging at the mo.
See yiou around
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Postby MIA » Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:40 pm

Hello Daisy,
I am pretty new to this forum myself. You and I apparently started suffering from this around the same age. My pregnancies cleared it up as well. The only thing I can conclude that set my P off was a car accident when I was 13. I, along with two of my friends was struck by a car by a careless driver, tragically, I lost one of my friends in that accident and dwelled on it for years and even in the present. I have also been to studies that try to determine what the triggers are. A pretty big percentage of the study group had suffered a traumatic exp and feel that exp was the trigger. I carry a lot of stress at work, but I tell ya...working out helps release it... I find Taebo really helps relieve just about anything. It still doesn't clear up the P. Well, I'm off to the lake today. Nice weather and lots of sun so I'm gonna take advantage of it.
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Re: Triggers of Psoriasis

Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:47 pm

waffnap wrote:Hi all - I have a question....
I am curious if anyone can pinpoint other triggers when first diagnosed with Psoriasis, for example:
Infection, stress, diet, allergies and i am sure there are more.

I don't find it very easy to talk to people about it that have no understanding of P. I always get the same comment "oh yes, it's all down to stress". With me I don't feel this is true I am such a laid back person I am horizontal :lol: I can pinpoint my trigger straight away. I had a severe sore throat infection resulting in the loss of my voice. This happened time after time during a long period. Unfortunately, I am telephone based in my job and with being a receptionist there is lots of talking involved. My voice has been fine for over a year but unfortunately the P still remains :cry:

Just wondered if anyone else can remeber their trigger?


hi, I was never really diagnosed. for some time - at least the last 20 years - I was under the impression that I had a fungal infection that was hard to treat! it gradually got worse and I was finally told by a work college that I had psoriasis, I think his sister also had it or something.
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Re: triggers

Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:49 pm

richo wrote:i recall that for some weeks i had very itcy lower front of both legs and recall scratching at this area to relieve the itcing sensation, this area is possibly theworst area on my body for psoriasis and cells seem to multiply at a greater rate at this site, i also suffered from a severe throat infection and woke one morning to find hundreds of small red dots had appeared over my chest and back, most of these dissappeared over the following days but the few that remained became the sites of stubbon psoriasis , i wonder why psoriasis seems almost symetrical with in y body ie i will have lower left leg lower right leg, dot on left fore arm and dor on left fore arm and so on , doctors and derms have just shrugged there shoulders and can offer no explanation, i am also relaxed person and sleep well and do not seem to have stress or worries so i dont think stress is a factor for me.

the more I read through this psoriasis support forum, the more I learn. it seems lots of people link their psoriasis to stress, but I have had some very stressful and traumatic events over the years and stress does not seem to make mine any worse thankfully.
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stress free life?

Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:51 pm

hkluth wrote:With me, it does seem to be stress... The more stressed I am, the worse the flare up is. I'm also pretty laid back but apparently I tend to take stress inside and it manifests itself in my PA.

Now, if I could only get rid of the stress... :roll: But life throws some interesting curve balls at us and for the last 12 years or so we've pretty much been under seige...

maybe we should trial moving to a tibettan monestry AND spend lots of time in the sun while only eating vegetarian food and drinking lots of water? it would actually be interesting to know if people in these places have psoriasis?
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Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:53 pm

chloeholding wrote:Hi,

I just want to recommend a treatment that I have found to be exceptional. For years I used creams, lotions, diets etc. NOTHING made even the slightest bit of difference beside the fact that maybe creams will make the area look smoother.
Anyway, I went to a chinese herbalist and they gave me a mixture of herbs that i had to stew for 20 minutes every day and then drink the juice from. This is probably the worst tasting thing i have ever had and it is a hassle to prepare but the results were absolutely remarkable.


greetings Cloeholding, I tried herbs and the whole natropathic thing, and it seemed to cost a lot of money with little or no results that I could tell. Every visit to the naturopath ended with "keep on the treatments" and "oh, if that isn't working try this one, its only $95" i soon got the message.
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Re: Heya

Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:55 pm

Faithfully87 wrote:ive had p since i was 12 i had tonislitus for 3 weeks then when it went away i was sudenly covers form head to foot in a red ichy rash the doctiors had no idea what it was on sugested i have son terminal desies the sort of thin a 12 yeasr old dosent want to hear

oh my gosh, did the doctors really tell you that? how can they live with themselves, especially if you were 12 at the time. you would think doctors should know :!:
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Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:57 pm

Possum01 wrote:Hi all,

There are many different kinds of psoriasis, oh joy! I was a human guinea pig for a hospital in London that was looking into something called Gutate psoriasis which is the kind that is triggered by a certain kind of sore throat. I had my tonsils removed about 5 years ago which has stopped the major flare-ups but I still get the stress related version on the entire length of my arms. I am about to start an exclusion diet to see if I can get some sort of control that way. I do not like using steroid cream over a long period of time and having had many courses of PUVA (light sensitivity treatment) I want to avoid that again too.

I have noticed that a few people here have commented on sore throats or tonsilitis. does that mean if I have my tonsils removed my psoriasis will clear or not be as bad? can I have some more information on this please, I'm not sure I understand. Did you have your tonsils removed to help your psoriasis or was it unrelated?
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latex reaction

Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 6:59 pm

moodindigo wrote:well I've only recently been diagnosed but on reflection it's been coming on for a few years - i just put it down to dry skin in the early stages and didn't go to the doctor until it became a real problem.

I did wonder if using baby oil to clean oil paint off my hands had caused the problem with my hands but I don't think so. I can't blame the oil paint as I don't get it all over my feet or elbows! (which are also problems) Oil paint and other things certainly worsen problems when I have a flare up with my palms and I wear latex gloves now to do anything that may upset my skin.

Not particularly more stressed than normal. No particular illnesses apart from worsening arthritis - which could of course be linked.

when I last saw my doctor he gave me a leaflet on psoriasis "preventions" and about the only thing in it that was useful was to avoid using latex gloves. apparently latex is a common alegen plus also the talc power or corn starch powder used in the gloves can cause skin problems in lots of people. plus hot wet hands inside latex can cause fungal infections also that can make psoriasis much worse.
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12 years of age.....

Postby BigDaddy » Sat Aug 19, 2006 7:18 pm

daisyethell wrote:Hi i am new to this forum, my psoriasis decided to show itself when i was 12 and ever since then i have tried every cream under the sun but like most others have found that they are a temporary fix. A couple of years ago i was involved in a study at Auckland Uni to see if emotional events in your life are triggers for P breakouts, anyhow you had to write about a particular event, pour all of your thoughts and emotions out each day for a 1/2 hr over a month, the idea was that if you let go of built up frustrations then the sypmtons would lessen. Now I just wait for summer to roll around so i can dose myself up un salt water (takes away the itch) and sunshine :D

One thing i did find interesting was with my 1st pregnancy it cleared up totally then with my second i had it the worst it has ever been.


reading all the messages here about when psoriasis started for people, there are more than a few that say at 12 years. I wonder why this would be exactly? is it hormone related?
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increase in red meat.

Postby scabby » Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:18 pm

I 'm from england but spent a year in South Africa 2 years ago i was 25 at the time. Mine seemed to start with a lesion on my chest that wouldn't heal and a year later has now spread all over, scalp, face, back, chest, elbows and legs. Mine may have been a mosquito bite but i also think my increase in red meat may have been an affect, I have read on this website that high protein could be a difference. all you eat over there is red meat, steak, steak and steak. to eat salad is seen as a weakness. Anyone have similar views?
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