Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

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Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby scdom » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:49 pm

Hi, I thought would share our experience with long term psoriasis and colloidal silver.
My partner had psoriasis on her arms and legs from age 16 thru to age 39.
She used soaps, acids and abrasives to keep the areas somewhat under control.
I introduced her to colloidal silver ($20 or so from chemists and health food shops). She applied it regularly on the affected areas and also started drinking it. (it tastes like water and you can't OD.)
The end result was that after 4-5 months the psoriasis was virtually nonexistent and, 4 years later, has not returned.
We take colloidal silver regularly as an overall wellness thing but she no longer needs to apply it to her skin although it is always used for cuts and abrasions.
Google it and see for yourself. We have put lots of peolple onto it with amazing results and I have personally been using it for years.
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby Nick Balgowan » Thu Sep 21, 2006 8:05 pm

scdom wrote:Hi, I thought would share our experience with long term psoriasis and colloidal silver.
My partner had psoriasis on her arms and legs from age 16 thru to age 39.
She used soaps, acids and abrasives to keep the areas somewhat under control.
I introduced her to colloidal silver ($20 or so from chemists and health food shops). She applied it regularly on the affected areas and also started drinking it. (it tastes like water and you can't OD.)
The end result was that after 4-5 months the psoriasis was virtually nonexistent and, 4 years later, has not returned.
We take colloidal silver regularly as an overall wellness thing but she no longer needs to apply it to her skin although it is always used for cuts and abrasions.
Google it and see for yourself. We have put lots of peolple onto it with amazing results and I have personally been using it for years.

Dear Scdom,

Thanks for your input and joining our forum. But there has been heavy criticism of products containing Colloidal Silver. Infact, the FDA in the USA has banned the product I believe. you can most definitely over dose pn such products.

Taking even small quantities of colloidal silver into the body can cause the skin to be permanently discolored in a medical condition called argyria. The skin and internal organs retain the silver and turn a dull gray.

Argyria Definition;

A permanent ashen-gray discoloration of the skin, conjunctiva, and internal organs resulting from long-continued use of silver salts. (Dorland, 27th ed)

Original article can be found here; but I have included below for convenience.

FDA: Food and Drug Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20857


FDA Talk Papers are prepared by the Press Office to guide FDA personnel in responding with consistency and accuracy to questions from the public on subjects of current interest. Talk Papers are subject to change as more information becomes available.



The FDA has issued a Final Rule declaring that all over- the-counter (OTC) drug products containing colloidal silver or silver salts are not recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded.

Colloidal silver is a suspension of silver particles in a colloidal (gelatinous) base. In recent years, colloidal silver preparations of unknown formulation have been appearing in stores. These products are labeled to treat adults and children for diseases including HIV, AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, malaria, lupus, syphilis, scarlet fever, shingles, herpes, pneumonia, typhoid, tetanus and many others.

According to the Final Rule, a colloidal silver product for any drug use will first have to be approved by FDA under the new drug application procedures. The Final rule classifies colloidal silver products as misbranded because adequate directions cannot be written so that the general public can use these drugs safely for their intended purposes. They are also misbranded when their labeling falsely suggests that there is substantial scientific evidence to establish that the drugs are safe and effective for their intended uses.

The indiscriminate use of colloidal silver solutions has resulted in cases of argyria, a permanent blue-gray discoloration of the skin and deep tissues.

Colloidal silver ingredients and silver salts include silver proteins, mild silver protein, strong silver protein, silver chloride, and silver iodide. The dosage form of these colloidal silver products is usually oral, but product labeling also contains directions for topical and, occasionally, intravenous use.

In reaching its decision, FDA considered all of the information described in the proposed rule (October 15, 1996) and submitted by the public in response to that proposal, the Final Rule becomes effective on September 16, 1999, 30 days after publication.
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The FDA and Colloidal Silver

Postby scdom » Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:37 am

Hi Nick,
I was unaware that the FDA had made the ruling.
My reading of it however seems to indicate they are more concerned with labelling and false claims than anything else.
And lets not forget that this is the department that approved aspartame and has a multitude of class action lawsuits against it for the approval of bad drugs.
I was in the USA last year (2005) and was easily able to purchase quality colloidal silver over the counter from quite a number of legitimate outlets.
Here in Australia the Therapeutic Goods Administration have done the same thing as the FDA. They have instructed manufacturers to remove claims of therapeutic benefits from all labelling.
The net result is that it doesnt alter the benefits of colloidal silver (for me and tens of thousands of others) but it removes the FDA and TGA from yet another possible class action.
I know that my partner, with non-greying skin, uses no FDA approved products to assist her with her psoriasis because the colloidal silver has permanently healed her.
I have never had psoriasis and I came away from reading some of the letters in this forum totally astounded at how badly it can affect peoples lives. There is no doubt in my mind that if I was even remotely close to being in that position I would try every single new treatment I could get my hands on.
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Re: The FDA and Colloidal Silver

Postby Nick Balgowan » Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:41 am


I completely agree. I have no problem people posting anything, especially if there is some track record. But I think products such as these silver mixtures and skin cap need ot be explained in more detail. But it is also possible to OD on silver based products, regardless of claims or content etc. Excess of colloidal silver is known to cause issues as detailed above. Same with Zinc, some people see great relief from Zinc, but the bulk of people do not unfortuantely. It probably comes down to there being 200+ actual forms of psoriasis and probably just as many triggers.
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby diboraha » Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:45 pm

Do you support FDA and approval of cloned food products? I am wondering who else is concerned with the FDA and the approval of cloned meat and dairy products and the notice that they will be introduced into our food supplies soon and without labels that specify them being cloned. I feel that the FDA should require that there be labels on the products so each person may choose whether they want to consume that product. What do you think???
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby Nick Balgowan » Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:22 am

hello. The short answer is I have no knowledge on the topic, but I personally am against genetic modification.
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby Ambiance » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:02 pm

I thought Colloidal Silver was poison used to kill rats? am I confusing myself??
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby caril » Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:55 pm

Hey I visited
these two sites..Th info they have given thr is nice...
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby Betterway » Wed May 18, 2011 3:22 am

Regarding colloidal silver, I don't know if it is effective or not, but I have heard that the "blue man" was a marketing stunt by the drug companies to put fear into anyone using colloidal silver.

I've tried CS for sore throat and it helps. I've also tried oil of oregano and it is even better. I tried using oil or oregano on my psoriasis and it doesn't help at all, but it does make it feel a little better.

Anyway, my next thins is to try photo therapy.
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby scientific22 » Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:38 am

I can only imagine how difficult it must be to suffer from Psoriasis. I have heard of a new procedure that might help with psoriasis but am unsure if the results. Have you heard anything about Someone told me that this might erase psoriasis completely from a face.
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Re: Psoriasis and Colloidal Silver

Postby justthefacts » Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:50 am

Paul Karason is the blue man that is constantly referenced as a cautionary tale against colloidal silver use. What they always fail to point out is that what he was making was not colloidal silver. It may have been his intent but he was an impatient fellow and added salt as a conductive catalyst to accelerate the process. What he was actually making is silver salts/silver nitrate/ silver chloride. He also used fluoridated tap water. You have to use distilled water only and test it to make sure that the part per millions is as low as possible to avoid making something that is not real colloidal silver. My tap water tested at 440 ppm and distilled water is at 2 ppm or lower. I use a reverse osmosis system for drinking water and that takes it down to 7 ppm. Colloidal silver when finished should ideally be around 7-13 ppm for drinking and 30 ppm for skin application. Clear or pale yellow is best to judge size of particles. If you make your own skin cream from it do not use anything with saline in it. You could turn your skin blue where it is applied because once again no longer Colloidal silver! If you have poor liver health do not use Colloidal silver as it may not be eliminated from the body properly and once again blue skin. From what I understand every documented case of Argyria is from poorly produced Colloidal silver. Just remember because something is beneficial doesn't mean more is better. Do your research before using anything. I use it on occasion for skin problems and sinus infections and it works great. Use of antibiotics are making resistant strains of virus and bacteria. One day we will all be up the creek when antibiotics not longer are effective. Colloidal silver is useful as a replacement in many situations. There are plenty of resources online to find out the facts. Read,read, read. Also there are conflicting opinions of what kind of Colloidal silver is better based on color and ions or particle size. Most are promoting their brand and most is hype. You can make it yourself safely if you take the time to educated yourself. Approx. .35 cents a quart batch.

I just wanted to post this so other people who find this forum looking for information to treat their condition like I did to have some more info.
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