Triggers of Psoriasis

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Triggers of Psoriasis

Postby waffnap » Sat May 27, 2006 6:27 am

Hi all - I have a question....
I am curious if anyone can pinpoint other triggers when first diagnosed with Psoriasis, for example:
Infection, stress, diet, allergies and i am sure there are more.

I don't find it very easy to talk to people about it that have no understanding of P. I always get the same comment "oh yes, it's all down to stress". With me I don't feel this is true I am such a laid back person I am horizontal :lol: I can pinpoint my trigger straight away. I had a severe sore throat infection resulting in the loss of my voice. This happened time after time during a long period. Unfortunately, I am telephone based in my job and with being a receptionist there is lots of talking involved. My voice has been fine for over a year but unfortunately the P still remains :cry:

Just wondered if anyone else can remeber their trigger?

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Postby richo » Sat May 27, 2006 8:51 pm

i recall that for some weeks i had very itcy lower front of both legs and recall scratching at this area to relieve the itcing sensation, this area is possibly theworst area on my body for psoriasis and cells seem to multiply at a greater rate at this site, i also suffered from a severe throat infection and woke one morning to find hundreds of small red dots had appeared over my chest and back, most of these dissappeared over the following days but the few that remained became the sites of stubbon psoriasis , i wonder why psoriasis seems almost symetrical with in y body ie i will have lower left leg lower right leg, dot on left fore arm and dor on left fore arm and so on , doctors and derms have just shrugged there shoulders and can offer no explanation, i am also relaxed person and sleep well and do not seem to have stress or worries so i dont think stress is a factor for me.
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Postby waffnap » Sat May 27, 2006 9:54 pm

Hello Richo
Thanks for the reply, looking at your post it sounds so similar to my symptoms. I often wonder why psoriasis is symetrical too, is there an explanation for this ?. when i find a new patch i know full well there will sure be another one following even if it's just a small dot, very strange.
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Postby hkluth » Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:21 am

With me, it does seem to be stress... The more stressed I am, the worse the flare up is. I'm also pretty laid back but apparently I tend to take stress inside and it manifests itself in my PA.

Now, if I could only get rid of the stress... :roll: But life throws some interesting curve balls at us and for the last 12 years or so we've pretty much been under seige...
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Postby waffnap » Sat Jun 03, 2006 6:42 pm

Hello Heather
I know what you mean about getting rid of the stress. Modern life itself is often stressful with demands we have put upon us. Overall harmony and well being is something to work for throughout life and is never complete.
Doctors often offer general advice on reducing stress - by cutting down workloads and getting more excercise and relaxation but this is sometimes easier said than done when put into practice. I feel it's striking the right balance when faced with new challenges and change and coping with each task as and when you are faced with it.
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Postby chloeholding » Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:18 pm


I just want to recommend a treatment that I have found to be exceptional. For years I used creams, lotions, diets etc. NOTHING made even the slightest bit of difference beside the fact that maybe creams will make the area look smoother.
Anyway, I went to a chinese herbalist and they gave me a mixture of herbs that i had to stew for 20 minutes every day and then drink the juice from. This is probably the worst tasting thing i have ever had and it is a hassle to prepare but the results were absolutely remarkable.

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Postby waffnap » Mon Jun 05, 2006 12:06 am

Hello Chloe :)

I decided to get some advice once from a chinese herbalist but wasn't as fortunate as you have been, I didn't notice any visible signs of improvement at all. So pleased to read you have had good results on taking your juice though :wink:
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Postby Faithfully87 » Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:33 pm

ive had p since i was 12 i had tonislitus for 3 weeks then when it went away i was sudenly covers form head to foot in a red ichy rash the doctiors had no idea what it was on sugested i have son terminal desies the sort of thin a 12 yeasr old dosent want to hear

So i finaly got refferd to a derma tolgist but he sid i had just had an alergic reaction but after 3 years i finaly got a dignosis thank fully but
does any one have and sugestions for non invasive treatmnents for p
the creams make me itch coz there oil based and they just make my arms and legs sore i dont know aht to do im 18 now and ive kinda learned to live with p but it gets me down and i still get stared at if im out in a sort sleeved top or a skirt and it depresses me.

i dont know what i can do to make it better ive only had it get slightly better 1nce and that was when i went to greece but i carnt afford to jet off evry week to keep my p down so any sugestions ive tried all creams and im tempted to try the last resorts injections of vittamins but the side affects are horrendous but i dont know what else i can do :?: :oops: :(
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Postby waffnap » Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:31 pm

Hello Emily :) and welcome
Sorry that I am unable to advise you with any suggestions for any non inavasive treatments, we're all individual to treatment and what works best for us. Why not have a chat with your derm and mention that you noticed a difference in your p in the sun. Perhaps you could even mention what effect light treatment would have for you, Ohhhh I don't know I wish I had answers for you.
I think we can all relate to being stared at and how down it can make you feel especially with all this hot weather of late. Chin up poppett and we're all here for you even if it's somewhere just to let off a release like a boiling pot ready to pop.
I hope you find a treatment that is effective for you real soon and let us know how you get on. All the best and try and not get too down don't let it win :wink:
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Postby Possum01 » Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:06 pm

Hi all,

There are many different kinds of psoriasis, oh joy! I was a human guinea pig for a hospital in London that was looking into something called Gutate psoriasis which is the kind that is triggered by a certain kind of sore throat. I had my tonsils removed about 5 years ago which has stopped the major flare-ups but I still get the stress related version on the entire length of my arms. I am about to start an exclusion diet to see if I can get some sort of control that way. I do not like using steroid cream over a long period of time and having had many courses of PUVA (light sensitivity treatment) I want to avoid that again too.
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Postby waffnap » Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:31 am

Good luck with the diet Possum01. I feel just the same with steroid creams personaly for me after using them over a long period of time they had no effect except burn my skin :cry:
I noticed significant changes after my light treatment but it was so time consuming especially trying to fit it in around working full time.
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Postby moodindigo » Sun Jun 25, 2006 2:26 am

well I've only recently been diagnosed but on reflection it's been coming on for a few years - i just put it down to dry skin in the early stages and didn't go to the doctor until it became a real problem.

I did wonder if using baby oil to clean oil paint off my hands had caused the problem with my hands but I don't think so. I can't blame the oil paint as I don't get it all over my feet or elbows! (which are also problems) Oil paint and other things certainly worsen problems when I have a flare up with my palms and I wear latex gloves now to do anything that may upset my skin.

Not particularly more stressed than normal. No particular illnesses apart from worsening arthritis - which could of course be linked.
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Postby waffnap » Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:02 am

Hi Monndingo :)
On my first visit to the docs I was diagnosed with having eczema (dry skin around my ankle) It was only then when the plaques started to form i was told it was P. I have a colleague at work that suffers with P on her hands and feet really bad. She smothers her hands in cream at night before going to bed and then she wears surgical gloves, cuts of the finger bits. She has done this on her own accord and noticed a remarkable change in her skin it doesn't crack and weep it becomes smooth in texture. She says it's such a relief.I have read several times that a lot of people find relief from using baby oil on their p to soften the skin. I tried this and found no change at all just dried my skin out even more. Who knows if only we had the answers we would all be millionaires :wink:
Is it a dead cert that if you have P you are guaranteed to get Arthritis I always worry about this, or does it depend on what type of P you have?
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Re: Triggers of Psoriasis

Postby Jessy » Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:14 am

[quote="waffnap"]Hi all - I have a question....
I am curious if anyone can pinpoint other triggers when first diagnosed with Psoriasis, for example:
Infection, stress, diet, allergies and i am sure there are more.

I don't find it very easy to talk to people about it that have no understanding of P. I always get the same comment "oh yes, it's all down to stress". With me I don't feel this is true I am such a laid back person I am horizontal :lol: I can pinpoint my trigger straight away. I had a severe sore throat infection resulting in the loss of my voice. This happened time after time during a long period. Unfortunately, I am telephone based in my job and with being a receptionist there is lots of talking involved. My voice has been fine for over a year but unfortunately the P still remains :cry:
my little daughter was diagnose with P not that long ago but lucky for her it went as fast as it appeared. We couldnt think of any reason why the P made an appearance but as we been told from many Doctors in the past it was a VIRUS.. guess thats what they all say when they dont have an answer.. :evil: well anyway just wanted to tell u this.. lol.. take care
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Postby waffnap » Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:16 am

Hello Jessy
That's great news to hear your daughters P went away - always nice to read something positive thanks for sharing
Jules :D
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