
Chat, questions, suggestions and comments about Psoriasis and psoriasis treatments go in here.


Postby kismentia » Sat May 16, 2009 3:49 pm

So here's my story, quickly, since I'm new to the board but not new to psoriasis...

Diagnosed with psoriasis around 13 years old, with a few spots. In the following year, it progressed to severe plaque and guttate psoriasis.
I have tried the following treatments (that I can recall): Humira, Enbrel, Amevive, Methotrexate, PUVA, Dovonex, Tazorac, Protopic, Dermarest, DermaZinc, Cordran tape, etc.

Since diagnosis, my psoriasis never fully went away. It was at its clearest during some PUVA sessions. I've recently been diagnosed with Psoratic Arthritis as well, and so far, PA has inflammed areas of my feet that cause pain when I walk or stand. I'm 25 years old and am miserably depressed five days out of the week because my feet, legs, thighs, stomach, arms, hands, and tushy are covered with these lesions that, no matter what treatment I decide on, will just not go away.

I cannot understand how psoriasis is practically one of the only existing conditions that supposedely has "no real cause." Other diseases have causes, just not cures, but psoriasis remains a "complete mystery." It is obvious what helps most or all psoriasis...sunlight, certain vitamins, possibly steroidal creams/vitamin A deratives, and obvious that psoriasis can be parallel with rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis, and those with psoriasis often have a family member with the same condition or a family member who has diabetes, and the cause of psoriasis may have to do with faulty T cell production....many of us could go on and on about what we know from our own experiences. None of the dermatologists I've visited have had to actually live with this condition...have yours?

Perhaps if some of us sat down, read the research, and delved into the biological reasoning behind psoriasis, we could find something that would at least cause some sort of relief. I'm beginning by studying the functions of the thymus gland and its removal.

Not sure what else to say that I haven't said in another post somewhere on another psoriasis board...just entirely too sick of the whole thing.
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Location: Ohio, USA

Re: New

Postby Ambiance » Mon May 18, 2009 8:36 am

Hi Kismentia. Welcome aboard, I am a newbie here too. Thanks also for a description of your amazing journey. So very sorry to hear about the arthritis....

I heard somewhere psoriasis may have something to do with the tonsils too. I have heard that people who have their tonsils removed no longer get psoriasis?? Not sure about the thymus gland.
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