Aculas questions

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Aculas questions

Postby chrome » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:47 am

Hi Nick,

I feel that these will be common questions for potential customers like myself and believe that answers to these will greatly increase sales of the Aculas asthese are not very well explained on the main website.


1.....Are the two sets of before/after pics on your website from using the ACULAS hair laser or just from general laser therapy ?
2.....If so, which model (25mw , 100mw etc) and at what wavelength ?
3.....How many months seperate the 2 sets of photo's ?
4.....Were they ONLY from using the Aculas or were any other topicals/treatments used (minoxidil/finasteride etc) ?


1.....Why are there no testimonials ?
2.....Will there be any testimonials ?
3.....How long has the 100mw Aculas hair laser been on sale for ?


You mentioned elsewhere in this forum that you had submitted the Aculas Hair laser for medical approval.
1.....Who did you submit it to ?
2.....When ?
3.....When do you expect approval ?
4.....How many people were in your trials ?
5.....What percentage showed a slowdown,stoppage of hairloss or any growth ?
6.....Were the trials using the old 25mw laser or the new 100mw laser ?


I read earlier on this forum that you are looking into releasing a new hand held unit.
1.....Is this correct ?
2.....When do you expect to release ?
3.....How much will it cost ?
4.....Will it be without the base unit which will make it ideal for travelling customers like myself ?

Cheers, chrome
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:06 am

Re: Aculas questions

Postby Nick Balgowan » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:39 pm

Hi Chrome,

Sorry for my late reply, I have been travelling, but also responded to your email and forgot to respond to this post. I will try to answer all your questions as best I can below;

1.....Are the two sets of before/after pics on your website from using the ACULAS hair laser or just from general laser therapy ?

Correct, pictures are only as a result of laser therapy. But as I explain to all of our customers, any picture used is always a best case scenario, e.g. why use anything that is less than perfect, it just never happens. So our standing policy is NOT to flood our marketing with countless perfect pictures. We consdier it setting expectations of our customers. It is explained in our FAQ in more detail what typical results can be seen. As with any treatment, results are never be guaranteed and are not always perfect.

2.....If so, which model (25mw , 100mw etc) and at what wavelength ?

We have discontinued our 25mW unit, our tests and trails showed conclusively that 100mW gave signifigantly better results for a wider range of candidates. Our results were conclusive beyond doubt. Our 100mW unit is exactly 660nm. We have tested a range of other brands that advertise 650nm, and found their ouputs may be 645mw or 655mw. I don't think such a small varience would make much difference, but at least we are exactly what we say. In actual fact, our individual laser output is around 22mW, we say 20mW due to a tiny loww in power caused by the scattering system. So the output figures we quote are actually our output. I believe we maybe the only manufacture who advertises laser output, not the core laser specification? e.g. 5mW laser module may output less than 5mW depending on how the light is treated prior to it reaching your scalp.

250mW is also 660mw (designed for beauty applications,) and 400mw unit is 780nm (designed for pain management and laser accupuncture.) I do not believe there is signifigant benefit seen at this stage using 250mW for hair regrowth, but this is still being investigated.

3.....How many months seperate the 2 sets of photo's ?

Approxmately 8 months. Pictures are now 10 months old.

4.....Were they ONLY from using the Aculas or were any other topicals/treatments used (minoxidil/finasteride etc) ?

Yes, no other products had been used. However, as i stress, results of any treatment are different from person to person.


1.....Why are there no testimonials ?

We have published testomonials in the past, the the flip side of that question is, that nobody believe's testimonials. So it doesn't matter what we do, we can't win - so we do not try. Our Aculas unit is sold on specifications, performance and capabilities. We have a growing number of users who have used other brands for YEARS with no major results, who are now using our Aculas 100mW and seeing results in around 6-8 weeks. Which I think is fantastic. I am hoping we could obtain a testimonial from yourself if you have success with your Aculas 100mW? That way, we all know it is genuine! :roll:

2.....Will there be any testimonials ?

Probably not, again, it is not part of our bigger picture mentality or marketing. We do not want to fall into the category of the hard sell and impossible promises. We are currently at 100% satisfaction with not a single product ever refunded. I believe we achieve this by knowing our product, presenting it professionally and also honestly. A very large part of this perception is, again, setting realistic expectations.

3.....How long has the 100mw Aculas hair laser been on sale for ?

The 100mW unit has been on sale officially since April 2006, but in testing for at least 10 months prior to that time. The computerised base controller has been in use for other applications for a number of years.


We have already received European Electrical Medical Approvals under CE Certification EMC Directive 93/94/EEC this was awarded 9th August 2006. Other approvals are pending and under consideration now. Unlike other manufacturer's who seemingly advertise "FDA approval pending" we explicitly do not make specific comments relating to an approval that is "pending" as from previous experience they could be pending for some time. Such comments could also cause issues for such pending approvals. While something is "pending" it still dos not actually exist.


Our Aculas 100mW is still, and will still, be considered our flagship product. Our computerised base controller individully monitors and controls power to each laser module. I am unaware of any other design that individually monitors and powers individual laser modules. More powerful laser modules are much more sensitive to power requirements, another reason why most manufactures use 5mW laser modules is they are often supplied wth inline power controllers. These designs are simply not suitable for more powerful laser modules.

We have a range of new products that we expect to release towards the end of 2006, until they are available we are not releasing more details as patents are currently pending. 250mw and 400mw units are available now in small quantities.

I hope this answers your questions properly.

Cheers, chrome[/quote]
Nick Balgowan.
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Nick Balgowan
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